
How to prepare for a move with Moving Services

Moving is a rather long and difficult process that requires careful preparation. But Moving Services specialists will help you organize a change of residence without unnecessary stress.

How to prepare for a move

On average, it takes from one week to a month to prepare a move. It will be easier for those who have few things and have helpers. For example, it can be a young family of two who hasn’t yet had time to settle down with many things, and a couple of friends will come to their aid. In this case, you can do it even in one day. It will take much longer for those who have lived in the same place for many years. Such a family has accumulated a lot of things. You don’t need to move them all, but you should figure out what you might need in the future.

Before you pack your boxes when you move to a new place, you should carefully examine what exactly is in your new home. For example, this applies to household appliances. If the new home has more of it, it will probably be able to replace some of your belongings, and you won’t need to take them with you.

In order to understand what you need in a new apartment and what you can do without, you need to go through each area and make a checklist. For example, do you have enough dishes? Will things from the old house fit into the new interior? Are there enough cabinets to accommodate everything?

Transportation of large items

You should also estimate the amount of large appliances and furniture you plan to take with you. When it becomes clear what the approximate volume is, you can leave a request with Moving Services. A team of workers will disassemble everything that can be disassembled, fold it, load it, transport it, and assemble it at the new location.

What not to take with you when moving

It can be difficult to part with your possessions, but moving-  is exactly what will help you upgrade, get rid of unnecessary things to make room for something new. That’s why when preparing for a move, you need to make at least two lists – what you should definitely take with you and what you should get rid of. In a large apartment or house, this can be difficult to do, so to make it easier, you can divide the apartment into several zones and do everything gradually.

First of all, you need to get rid of “clones” – things that are repeated or duplicate functionality. Before packing the fifth frying pan, you should ask yourself: “Do I really need it so much?”. Next, you should assess your financial situation after the move, whether you will have the money to significantly update the interior and other things. You’ll probably have enough money to buy a new kettle or chair, so there’s no point in dragging them out of the old house. And this applies to everything in the house. In fact, for many people, home improvement is a pleasant chore. So maybe you shouldn’t deprive yourself of the pleasure of buying something new?

How to pack your things properly

Moving Services specialists know how to properly pack certain items, but you can do it yourself if there is something you don’t want strangers to see. First of all, you need to take care of the packing material. Boxes, scotch tape, bubble wrap, etc. can be purchased at the same moving service.

Containers should be of different sizes, both small and large. The first ones are suitable for packing heavy items, such as books, folders with documents, kitchen utensils. Large boxes will be convenient for packing bulky but lightweight items. We are talking about clothes, appliances, and textiles.

When moving, do not forget about the environment. Even in this process, you can minimize the amount of plastic used. So instead of various films, you can use craft paper.

Rules for collecting things

The first things to go into the boxes are those that will not be needed in the next few months. For example, a wardrobe that is out of season, books, non-essential documents, dishes that you can do without, interior items, and so on. In this case, there will be no discomfort in your everyday life during the packing. On the day of the move, you will only need to pack the most necessary things.

There are also some other tips:

  • One box should contain one category of things (clothes, books, dishes);
  • It is good to have a different packing container for each family member;
  • All boxes should have a detailed list of everything in them. You can also number them and make a description in your phone notes;
  • Boxes should be labeled from all sides, so that no matter how it stands, it will be clear what is in it;
  • For each living area, boxes can be labeled with colored stickers.
  • All these tips will help you organize your move better. 
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