How to make a resume for free
One of the essential questions that one is asking when looking for a job is how to make a great, up-to-date, and professional resume. It’s not a secret that a beautifully done document is able to significantly boost the chances of being employed — different studies say that it is around 50% more chances.
There is an excellent answer: the resume creator free called CV2YOU. We’re exploring below what its capabilities are and what a resume-making process looks like in it.
The CV2YOU resume creator free: strengths
6 supported languages, 4 amazingly looking templates, 6 font faces, 8 color options, over 10 predefined and more customizable sections (blocks of information) that are put in every pre-formatted template — these all are just basics of what the CV2YOU tool actually can do.
It is wonderfully smooth to work in it because it requires zero experience in working in any similar tool or creating a CV because it is a WYSIWYG editor, where you operate everything with only your mouse. The keyboard usage is only for typing in your data to personalize the outcome – no coding, no hard tasks of formatting…
Have you already picked the template? Great! Now, it’s time to gather your source docs at hand and start filling in what’s there: your name, pic, contacts, education, work experience, soft & hard skills, language proficiency, certificates, areas of competence, and the rest of the things, which you’d like to show in a CV. Add or delete blocks as you wish.
The result will be an absolutely clear and visually scannable document, which is good for people and robots. The latter, by the way, are able to separate you from the mass of other job seekers and submit your document to an HR manager — all thanks to great formatting and easy filling of it. This is a leap forward compared to those applicants who didn’t think of the importance of the usage of the CV2YOU tool.
What’s great about it is saving it as a file and downloading it whenever you need it. You can have as many versions saved in your profile as you want — that is something useful when you need to come back to some document and modify it to fit a particular job or add the most recent work experience to keep it up to date. Actually, the more tuned to some job your CV or resume will be, the more chances of receiving that job you’ll have (that’s a rule of thumb on the market of job search if you didn’t know).
The working process in the resume creator free tool
The entire process of making a resume in the CV2YOU is very straightforward:
- Register or log in
- Pick a template
- Fill it in with your data, info, and photo
- Apply personal font faces and colors
- Proofread and correct any misspellings, errors, or inconsistencies. Or ask someone to do it if you aren’t sure
- Save and download as a file
- Send to receivers.
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