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How To Get Rid of Ingrown Hairs with Laser

Quick Summary

  • Laser hair removal treatments prevent ingrown hairs by targeting hair follicles.
  • Steps to prevent ingrown hairs include shaving in the direction of hair growth and using gentle exfoliation.
  • Professional help is recommended if ingrown hairs become infected or persistent despite taking measures.

Silky smooth skin is a dream come true for most women, and most of us want to achieve it through waxing, shaving, or threading. However, these are temporary solutions, and your hair will regrow eventually. Worrying about your body hair will become pointless after we tell you a permanent solution: LASER HAIR REMOVAL! 

But do you think this solution only saves your skin? Nope, It also saves you from ingrown hair! If you’ve ever waxed or shaved, there’s a 97% chance you’ve encountered the pesky problem.

If you want to know more, visit the best Toronto laser hair removal clinic and book a free consultation today! Now that we’ve got the solution aside, let’s come to the problem at hand: ingrown hairs! Read carefully for tips on how to get rid of them.

Just What Is An Ingrown Hair?

A deep ingrown hair decides to grow inside your skin because it can’t penetrate the skin barrier to make its grand appearance. Why does that happen, you ask? It’s because of waxing, threading, and shaving! 

When you choose one of these options, some of your hairs sometimes break midway, causing them to become trapped beneath the skin surface and appear as bumps. But that’s not even the worst part- treating them is! 

You may be a frequent witness to ingrown hairs if you:

  • Have curly hair
  • Shave or wax regularly

How to Detect Ingrown Hairs?

Ingrown hairs usually occur in areas where you shave a lot. They may also occur if your pores become clogged due to dead skin cells or dirt. For men, they are usually on the face, and for women, they are generally on the arms or legs. 

Detecting an ingrown hair isn’t a hard nut to crack. If you have:

  • Painful bumps just begging to be scratched
  • Redness where you’ve shaved
  • Swollen bumps that look like pimples
  • Hyperpigmentation or discoloration in a tiny spot

Then congratulations, you’re one step closer to knowing how to remove ingrown hairs because you’ve detected one!

When Should You Seek a Doctor?

If your skin bumps become severely painful and you see an infection forming in the area, you may need to seek professional help. In fact, it is highly recommended to see a dermatologist if the ingrown hairs remain stubborn even after a few weeks.

Why Laser Hair Removal Is Your Best Shot At Removing Ingrown Hairs Forever

Ever heard of photothermolysis? It is a fancy term that means that a laser emits light with a wavelength of 600 to 1200 nanometers to target the melanin in your hair follicles and gradually weaken it. When a follicle can’t grow hair anymore, ingrown hair is out of the question! 

Any infection on your skin caused by the ingrown hairs will begin to heal. You’ll see all side effects slowly disappear before your very own eyes! Laser and ingrown hairs are natural enemies, but remember, post-laser hair removal care is important to retain results. You must avoid:

  • Tight clothes
  • Exposure to direct sunlight and heat
  • Harsh skincare routine 


Other Ways to Prevent Ingrown Hair

While laser hair removal is the most effective way to remove ingrown hairs, there are other steps you can take to prevent them:

  • Shave in the direction of the hair so hair grows out naturally
  • Sterilize your razor after each use and change it every two weeks
  • Do not touch or pick on ingrown hairs
  • Use creams or lotions explicitly made to treat ingrown hairs. For dry skin, use ingrown hair oil.
  • Use gentle exfoliating skin care products regularly 
  • Don’t use tweezers to poke at ingrown hairs
  • Try antiseptic wipes to keep the area clean
  • Wash the area you want to shave or wax with warm water
  • Use a gentle moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated
Pro Tip

Did you know that a DIY sugar and coffee scrub can get rid of ingrown hairs!? Well, now you do. Unlike the others, it is a wonderful in-home remedy your mother might suggest that works.

Ingrown Hairs in Men Vs Women

Women aren’t the only ones suffering from ingrown hair problems. Men are in the same boat as us! Men who shave their chest or back would have encountered ingrown hairs at some point. However, the areas of infection may be different:

Men Face, chest, back, and the back of the neck
Women Legs. arms, underarms and pubic area.



  1. Can I Shave Between Laser Hair Removal Treatments? 

Yes, you can shave if necessary, but it is generally recommended not to do so as it can increase the risk of ingrown hair.

  1. Do Ingrown Hairs Cause Infection? 

If you do not treat an ingrown hair immediately, there is a chance of infection. You must seek professional help so the infection does not become severe.

  1. Will Laser Hair Removal Remove Ingrown Hairs? 

Yes, laser hair removal can help you get rid of ingrown hairs by targeting and weakening the hair follicles. After a few sessions, hair eventually stops growing. 

  1. 4. What if I get pus from ingrown hairs?

Pus is a type of infection, and it is one of the side effects of ingrown hair. However, rest assured: It can be treated using a warm compress or ingrown hair creams and lotions.


Ingrown hairs are so common it’s almost frustrating! Some may subside if we leave them alone, while others may need special attention. Laser hair removal is a long-term solution as it is one of the only treatments that allow you a long, hair-free life. If there’s nothing to grow under your skin, it means no hair, right? 

However, you may still get a hair or two stuck in your skin while you wait for permanent hair removal results. In this case, adhere to the proper tips and change your skincare routine. Allow your skin to heal with proper care and attention!

So, what are you waiting for? Get a laser treatment for ingrown hairs, which will leave you with smooth, silky skin. It’s like using one stone to kill two birds!

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