Digital Marketing

How To Get Quality Backlinks: 6 Ways That Really Work

Backlinks are one of the most critical elements to successful digital marketing today. Acquiring relevant, quality backlinks is one of the best investments you can make as a business or marketer to help boost your online visibility and search engine rankings. But with so many backlink strategies available, it can be difficult trying to figure out where and how to get great links that really work for you. In this blog post, we’ll explore 12 powerful link building techniques—from guest blogging and influencer outreach to broken link building—that you can use right away to help build high-quality backlinks for your website. With these tips in hand, let’s get started!

  1. Quality content is key – make sure your website and blog are full of interesting, well-written articles

Quality content not only has the power to engage your readers, it can also do wonders for Search Engine Optimization which is a crucial part of digital marketing strategies. Having an arsenal of well-crafted blog and website posts will not only help guide visitors around your site and keep them coming back for more, it can also give a major boost when it comes to visibility on search engines. It goes without saying that you want to provide helpful and compelling content that gives your readers something to think about or teaches them something useful, but beyond that your goal should be to mix up the type of content you offer–blogs, articles, info-graphics–so that you’re taking full advantage of unique opportunities to draw in web crawlers. With quality content powering both your audience engagement and SEO performance, there are long term benefits that come with running short on quantity but never quality.

  1. Get involved with the community – write guest posts for other blogs, answer questions on forums and Q&A websites, and participate in social media discussions

If you want to become involved in your community, the internet provides you with multiple avenues to do so. Writing guest posts for other blogs by searching is a great way to get your voice heard and gain credibility. You can easily search great websites on the web using different methods like “write for us cryptocurrency”. You can also join forums and Q&A websites where you can answer questions that may be outside of your expertise while continuing to learn more as you go. This helps build up your network of professional contacts from different areas. Additionally, participating in social media discussions allows you to get involved in meaningful conversations about topics that really matter. Not only does this help local community causes, but it also lets others know about relevant topics that could use more discussion or assistance. By getting involved in the online community, there are many ways to benefit from what is available to us all.

  1. Use HARO to get quoted as an expert by journalists writing about your industry

HARO is a great tool for industry experts who wish to share their insight and further their reach within the industry. It provides a platform for connecting with journalists from around the world who are eager to write about high-value topics within your space. Using HARO enables you to stay at the forefront of newsworthy topics and informs your target audience about developments in your field. Additionally, you can increase traffic to other publicly facing platforms such as blogs and podcasts. Through HARO, it’s easier than ever for an expert like yourself to get quoted in publications relevant to both you and the intended reader.

  1. Create awesome visuals like infographics or videos that people will want to share

To create visuals that people will want to share, it’s essential to start by identifying a purpose that resonates with your audience. Ask yourself: why will viewers benefit from viewing this? Do your research, figure out the facts and stats you’d like to include, and think about how best they can be incorporated into the visual. As you pull together the data, don’t forget to focus on creating an effective design as well—after all, it’ll make or break success in getting people to pay attention. Finally, test out different versions of the visual before publishing and track any analytics so you know what works—and what doesn’t—for your audience base.

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  1. Give away free stuff – eBooks, templates, checklists, etc.

Giving away free eBooks, templates, checklists, and other resources is an excellent way to get people talking about your business. By offering access to helpful resources that provide valuable information or help solve a common problem, you’re providing potential customers with an incentive to engage with your brand. Not only is it a great way to gain more exposure for your business, but it’s also a prime opportunity to build trust and establish yourself as a reliable source of quality information. People who value the free stuff you provide are likely to remember your brand when they are ready to make a purchase.

  1. Run contests and giveaways on your website or blog

Holding contests and giveaways on your website or blog is an excellent way to engage with potential customers. It helps create connections and relationships that last far beyond the duration of the competition itself, leading to increased brand loyalty and trust from your audience. Furthermore, it can break through any noise competing for your customer’s attention, giving you a chance to showcase products or services in a more creative manner than just plain advertising. By making sure the rules of the competition are clearly laid out, you can maximize participation and fan engagement and give something back to loyal followers for their support of your business.


If you want to increase the number of high-quality backlinks pointing to your website, try one or more of these link building tactics: create helpful resources, participate in online communities, build relationships with industry influencers, guest post on relevant blogs, offer testimonials for products and services you love, or give interviews about your areas of expertise. Have you tried any of these methods for gaining quality backlinks? What other strategies have worked well for you?

Author Bio

Kashish Mehta is a Digital Marketing Expert and also an Outreach Specialist. She loves to talk about SEO, content marketing & digital marketing strategies. In his free time, she likes to read & stay updated on the latest digital marketing trends!

You can always reach out to kashish on Linkedin


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