
How to find your professional 3D scanner

3D scanner

Professional 3D scanners enable you to make processes in your company more efficient and save costs. Whether in mechanical engineering, healthcare or web stores – 3D scanners are used in a wide range of industries.

Please note that different devices have different characteristics. Depending on the industry and the exact project, another scanner will suit you. To find the perfect device for you, there are a few things to consider when choosing your professional 3D scanner:

What is your scan object?

A crucial point when choosing your professional 3D scanner is your scan object. Different application areas have different requirements for the device.

As an example, a 3D scanner that captures intricate surfaces may have difficulty scanning moving objects – such as people. If you clearly know what you need your device for, the decision will be much easier.

The size or size range of your object is also crucial. Most devices are designed for a specific object size. Before you buy your scanner, check the manual to make sure everything goes smoothly during scanning. 

What accuracy and resolution are right for your project?

A key factor in choosing the right scanner is the accuracy you need – this accuracy depends on your scan object. 

For some applications, it is especially important that your 3D model is as close as possible to your scan object. High accuracy results in high similarity of your object and the digital model. In addition to the accuracy, also consider the required resolution, which measures the level of detail of your scan object. 

However, the accuracy and resolution will greatly affect the price of your new favorite device. Figure out beforehand what your project really needs from the scanner.

What mobility does your project require?

When choosing your professional 3D scanner, also consider whether a stationary scanner is sufficient for your project. 

If there are difficult-to-reach places on your scan object or if the object is generally difficult to transport, a portable handheld 3D scanner will suit you much better. You can bring it to your object in no time and start scanning immediately.

How important is user-friendliness for you?

In terms of user-friendliness, there are significant differences between industrial 3D scanners and simpler 3D scanners. With industrial 3D scanners, the quality of the scans produced depends directly on the user. Extensive training for an automated scanning process is the key to high-quality 3D models.

Professional and simpler 3D scanners score with intuitive operation, which means that not only a few employees can operate the scanner, but every employee. Therefore, it is advantageous to pay attention to the technology, with which the scanner works.

How fast should the scanning process be?

If you’re using the 3D scanner on the production line or scanning moving objects, the scan itself needs to be as fast as possible. Again, pay attention to the demands your project places on the scanner.

What is your budget?

The price of a professional scanner skyrockets the more features it has or the more precise its accuracy is. Prices over €50,000 are common.

To make sure you’re only paying for what you need, it’s important to do your research beforehand. Knowing and prioritizing the features that are required for your project will make the purchase fit your budget.

Get informed about your professional 3D scanner

Now you know exactly how to choose your new device with a clear conscience. After you are certain about your scan object, the accuracy, the mobility, user-friendliness as well as the speed and your budget, nothing stands in the way of your professional 3D scanner.

Scoobe3D GmbH

Gebäude 10d, Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 6, 86159 Augsburg, Germany

+49 821 24404380

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