Information Technology

How To Customize Create React App Without Ejecting?

React app attains high-end reliability and popularity on the modern software development platform. The key reason behind this is its simplified coding configuration, multi-platform support, and top-notch compatibility.

Multi-category organizations hire top react.js specialists to manage their web app development project with a scalable and sustainable market approach. With constant technology evolution, it has become a necessary trend to update the new React features with novel React Devtools.

Multiple developers prefer to use React for their web and app development projects because of its simplified configuration, robust interface, and fast processing. According to the market insights, currently, 3.6 percent of the apps functioning with the Javascript library used React efficiently with a scalable and performance-driven approach.

Further in this article, we will discuss the advanced customization scope of this Devapp tool with its comprehensive details. But, first, let us have a look:

Create React App: An Overview

The modern app development platform is one of the renowned and advanced technologies React Devtool. It is framed by Facebook to offer a technology-driven and advanced platform for app and web development. 


It efficiently functions with a streamlined arrangement with least prerequisite scope in compliance with any specific project architecture, associate modules, integrated configurations, etc. of any web app development project. In addition, it offers instantly structured configuration and coding, prominently utilized for web and app development projects.


Moreover, it functions by integrating numerous programming languages and designing a robust backend architecture with a fixed and less timeframe for web app development. As a result, it remarkably attains the top ranking of 88k+ on GitHub. It primarily functions with standard single command React app planning which is one of the crucial reasons behind its advancement and uplifted market recognition.


Key Features: 

  • It supports advanced access to the local development server.
  • It offers high-end support with built-in Babel preset codes integrated with ES6 and ES7 features.
  • This Devtool functions with easy asset importing, which incorporates advanced JavaScript modules for bundling used files within the app
  • It has accessible CSS imports for functional designs and styling.
  • It runs and re-runs the simple unit tests with Jest integrated with watcher functioning with certain variations.
  • It operated with ESLint to recognize functional issues and bugs obstructing the development process. 

Methods To Customize Create React App Without Ejecting

There are multiple methods to customize creating React app restricting the Eject option. Create-React-App is a promising Devapp tool that functions to bootstrap the React apps. The only limitation it offers as it provides inadequate accessibility of the production build concerning the configuration. 

When it uses the Webpack present below the hood, it does not display its configuration for the user. When the user decides to eject, the configuration is exposed. On the contrary eject function in the Devapp tool is quite a challenging concept as it is not advantageous in compliance with the Create-React-App updates.

Context: Disabling Component Name Mangling In Production: 

To work for the react-admin demo, all the components in React DevTools are quite unknown to the user. It is because the TerserPlugin is configured with webpack for Mangling component names in the React production. 

It is beneficial for minimizing the bundle sizes but an adverse idea for the demo app context, which is designed to demonstrate beneficial programming procedures. If the React program has accessibility with Webpack configuration, which further disables the name mangling with dual codes. below is the coding: 

// in webpack.config.js

// … some config …

new TerserPlugin({

terserOptions: {

// … some other config …

// … some more config …


// … even more config …


But in the Create React apps, access to webpack configuration is absent. Below are the methods to customize and change these configurations without ejecting. Let us discuss in brief:

Substitutes Against Ejecting Process: 

  • Rewire Practices: 

There are some effective solutions to customize the create-react-app without ejecting:

  • React-app-rewired: It requires overriding create-react-app WebPack configures without ejecting. In this method, the core maintainer of the React app leaves, and a prior warning is displayed in the README for the potential damage. Below is the coding: 

  // in ./build.js

const rewire = require(‘rewire’);

const defaults = rewire(‘react-scripts/scripts/build.js’);

const config = defaults.__get__(‘config’);


* Restrict mangling component names in production process benefits for education practices.


config.optimization.minimizer[0].options.terserOptions.keep_classnames = true;

config.optimization.minimizer[0].options.terserOptions.keep_fnames = true;

  • CRACO: It is a coherent and simple layering of configuration to create-react-app. It has comprehensive credentials that need an installation with associate plugins that are quite complicated according to the requirement.
  • Rewire: It is a monkey-patching library of Node.js. It functions with upgraded conventional design as compared to react-app-rewired and CRACO. Yet it enables the Create React app customization with an optimal variation. Below is the coding: 

Webpack Configuration Adjustment: 

It is also a method that helps to customize the Create React app by restricting the eject command. For this, we have to frame the file named config-overrides.js. Within this, react-app-Provides the accessibility for the original webpack config. It has the mutating option for returning backward for create-react-app functions. The CSS modules support can be added to this processing. Below is the coding:

module.exports = (config, env) => {



      test: /\.module\.css$/,

      use: [



          loader: require.resolve(‘css-loader’),

          options: {

            modules: true,

            importLoaders: 1,

            localIdentName: ‘[local]___[hash:base64:5]’




      include: path.resolve(‘src’)



  return config


  • npm.script adjustment: 

It is another effective method to avoid the create-react-app scripts entry point without the eject option. It functions with react-app-rewired codes. Below is the coding:


“scripts”: {

“start”: “react-app-rewired start”,

“build”: “react-app-rewired build”,

“test”: “react-app-rewired test –env=jsdom”




These are some of the comprehensive alternatives to customize Create React apps using the eject codes. Create React App is one of the popular React Devtools empowered by Facebook with a multifeatured approach for app development. This multifeatured tool operates through advanced optimization producing the ideal developer environment with an advanced frontend structural pipeline supporting the new age developers and programmers. Using these codes, the create React app is customized conveniently. All the above methods are quite effective and use easy and quick procedures for react app development. The Devtool is quite popular on the practical platform for website development process with distinct configuration. All these methods provide flexible access for configuration, which is efficiently used in development procedures. 

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