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How to Create the Best Release Notes Template

Release notes are an essential part of every software development process. They help developers keep track of changes made to the code and new features and bug fixes. Without release notes, maintaining software development projects would be very difficult. But what goes into a good release notes template?

Here are some tips to help you create the best release notes template for your team.

Keep Release Notes Short and Sweet

When writing release notes, the first rule of thumb is to keep them short and sweet. No one wants to read a long, tedious list of changes made to the code. A good rule of thumb is to keep each release note no longer than one paragraph.

If you have multiple paragraphs, break them into smaller sections with clear headings. This will make your release notes more readable and easier to digest.

When keeping your release notes short and sweet, you should consider a few factors.

Think About Your Audience

First, think about your audience. Who will be reading your release notes? Is it just your team of developers, or will other people be reading them? If you are writing release notes for a broader audience, use language everyone can understand. Avoid technical jargon and acronyms as much as possible.

Keep the Purpose of Release Notes in Mind

Second, keep the purpose of release notes in mind. Release notes are not meant to be a complete history of every change made to the code. They should simply highlight the most significant changes. You don’t need to include every detail in your release notes. Just include the information that is most relevant to your audience.

Use Simple Language

When writing release notes, use simple language that can be understood by everyone on your team – not just developers. Avoid using technical jargon or acronyms that not everyone will understand. The goal is to write release notes that can be understood by everyone on your team so that they can be more easily actioned.

Include Information on New Features and Bug Fixes

One of the most critical pieces of information to include in your release notes is what new features or bug fixes are included in the latest version of the software.

Be sure to include a brief description of each new feature or bug fix so that everyone on your team knows them. This will help ensure everyone is on the same page and knows what changes have been made since the last release.

You should consider a few factors when including information on new features and bug fixes in your release notes.

Include Information Relevant to Your Audience

First, only include information that is relevant to your audience. There is no need to have every single detail about every change made to the code. Just include the information that is most relevant to your team.

Test the New Features and Bug Fixes Before You Include Them in the Release Notes

Second, test the new features and bug fixes before you include them in the release notes. This will help ensure that they are working as intended and that there are no unforeseen issues.

Mention Any Known Issues

Third, mention any known issues with the new features or bug fixes in your release notes. This will help your team be aware of potential problems and allow them to plan accordingly.

Use Clear Headings and Formatting

Use clear headings and formatting to make your release notes easy to read and digest. Use short, descriptive headings that clearly outline what each section is about. Also, use bullet points or numbering wherever possible to break up long text sections. This will make your release notes much easier to scan and read quickly.

Include Links to Related Documentation

If there are any related documents or resources that would be helpful for team members to reference, be sure to include links to them in your release notes template. This could include links to implementation guides, tutorials, or support resources.

Including relevant links in your release notes will save team members time by providing them with everything they need in one place.

A few factors must be considered when including links to related documentation.

Include Links That Are Relevant and Helpful

The first factor to consider is whether or not the link is relevant and helpful. There’s no point in including a link to a document that no one will ever need or want to read. So, include links to documents that would be useful for team members.

Include Links That Are Working and Up-to-Date

The second factor to consider is whether or not the link is working and up-to-date. There’s nothing worse than clicking on a link in release notes only to find that it leads to a 404 error page. So, before including any links in your release notes, test them out first to ensure they’re working correctly.

Ensure That Links Open in a New Tab

The third factor to consider is whether or not the link will open in a new tab. When team members are reading release notes, they should be able to do so without having to leave the document.

So, set all links in your release notes to the template to open in a new tab. This way, team members can easily click on the link and continue reading the release notes without worrying about losing their place.

Proofread Your Release Notes Template Before Sending It Out

Before sending out your release notes template, proofread it carefully for any typos or errors. Nothing diminishes credibility faster than sending out a document with numerous mistakes. Take the time to proofread your template before sending it out so you can be confident that it’s error-free.

There are a few key factors to consider when proofreading your release notes template before sending it out.

  1. Check for typos and grammatical errors.
  2. Ensure that all of the information included is accurate and up-to-date.
  3. Make sure that the template is easy to understand and follow.
  4. Review the links in the template to ensure they are still active and relevant.
  5. Proofread the template one last time before sending it out to catch any final mistakes.

By following these tips, you can create a perfect release notes template that will be valuable for your team. Keep these factors in mind when creating your template to ensure that it’s practical and valuable for everyone on your team.


These tips will help you create your team’s best release notes template. Be sure to keep your release notes short and sweet, use simple language, including details on new features and bug fixes, use clear headings and formatting, include links to related documentation, and proofread your template before sending it out.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on creating the best release notes template for your team!

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