How To

How to Choose Air Purifiers – 3 Features to Consider

Air Purifiers

How to choose the right air purifier? This is an issue that can start hours of conversation. Fortunately, we can help make your life easier by providing you with information regarding picking up the best ones in the market.

Keep reading to learn the advantages of owning an air purifier, tips and instructions on how to maintain your air purifier.

Let’s dive into the details:

Features to look for when buying an air purifier

Air Purifiers

Air purifiers help circulate indoor air and also remove pollutants. They are very useful in fighting against allergies. All sorts of contaminants are removed from the air as it travels through multiple layers of filters before being sent outside and replaced by clean air from within the room.

So it is extremely important that you buy an air purifier that has certain key features, let’s take a look at them.

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HEPA filtration

Air Purifiers

A high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter is included in some models of air cleaners. This feature is incredibly important as HEPA filters have been shown in studies to significantly decrease the number of airborne COVID-19 particles, and thus the amount of the virus.

Allergen Protection

Allergens, which include pollen, dust, and mold can enter your house through the air or even your body. That is why an air purifier that is capable of removing allergens is important, as non-removal of allergen particles can make symptoms worse for people suffering from allergies.

Easily Replaceable Parts

Be sure that you are buying an air purifier that has parts that are replaceable. Like any product, air purifiers have a limited lifespan as well, so you will have to end up buying a whole new air purifier if you buy one with irreplaceable parts instead of just being able to replace the faulty parts.

Advantages of owning an air purifier

HEPA-technology filters, like those found in modern air purifiers, are effective in removing up to 99.7 percent of airborne particles. Thus, owning a purifier can have many advantages such as better health. This is only one advantage, let’s take a look at a few more.

Reduces Asthma Symptoms

The most prevalent indoor allergens are pollen particles, dust mites, and pet hair which can increase the risks of an asthma attack. Air purifiers have HEPA filters to trap these and produce clean air. 

While vacuuming can remove certain contaminants, others remain hanging in the air, increasing the likelihood of asthma episodes.

Improves Sleep

Allergens found inside the home, such as bacteria, fungi, and dust particles can induce symptoms similar to those of allergies or hay fever, including difficulty sleeping and sleepiness throughout the day. 

A better night’s sleep is guaranteed by using a HEPA air purifier, while also making maintaining your mattress much simpler because allergens are kept from settling into your mattress in the first place.

May Increase Life Expectancy

The cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous systems can all be impacted by polluted indoor air. Frequently used household items release chemicals and gases that can build up in the lungs. 

These airborne particles can be so tiny that they can enter your brain through your blood and have an effect on your brain and mental processes. With a high-quality air purifier, you can breathe easier and live healthier because even the tiniest airborne contaminants are removed.

Tips on how to Maintain your Air Purifier

Air Purifiers

Whichever brand or type of air purifier you own, there are some basic tips you should be aware of in regard to the maintenance of your air purifier. Let’s take a look at some important ones.

1. Keep Circulation Vents open

A common design feature of air purifiers is that they have a lot of intake and output vents. When these are obstructed, either by furniture or by being placed close to a wall, airflow is blocked. So take care to never place your unit closer than a couple of feet to any wall or other object.

2. Replace the air filters frequently

Don’t forget to replace the filters in your air purifier at the intervals specified by the manufacturer. If your air purifier’s filter is dirty or clogged, don’t use it. Doing so will not only prevent the purifier from doing its job but might also risk damaging the device.

3. Do not place or use on wet surfaces

This carries a high risk of causing fire or electrical damage, while also not allowing the air purifier to work at its maximum efficiency.

4. Turn your air purifier off before unplugging it

If you leave the air purifier running when you unplug it, it can lead to a risk of serious damage to the air purifier, as an electrical surge can run through it if not shut down properly.


We have learned about features to look for when buying an air purifier like HEPA filtration and allergy protection and some important tips about maintaining them. What are your considerations before buying? Let us know in the comments section. 





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