How To

How to calculate your Gwa with GWA Calculator?

Calculating your Grade Weighted Average (GWA) is an important part of academic life, as it provides an accurate representation of your academic performance over a specific period of time. A GWA Calculator can help you easily calculate your GWA, taking into account the units, grades, and credit hours of each course.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to calculate your GWA with a GWA Calculator:

Step 1: Gather the necessary information

Before you start using a GWA Calculator, you need to gather all the necessary information about your academic performance. This includes the number of units or credit hours of each course you’ve taken, the grade you received for each course, and the number of credit hours for each course.

Step 2: Assign numerical values to your grades

The first thing you need to do is assign numerical values to your grades. This is necessary because the GWA Calculator uses numerical values to calculate your GWA. In the Philippines, the numerical values for grades are as follows:

  • 1.0 – 97-100
  • 1.25 – 94-96
  • 1.5 – 91-93
  • 1.75 – 88-90
  • 2.0 – 85-87
  • 2.25 – 82-84
  • 2.5 – 79-81
  • 2.75 – 76-78
  • 3.0 – 75
  • 5.0 – 74 and below

Note that some universities may have their own grading system, so make sure to check your university’s grading system before assigning numerical values to your grades.

Step 3: Calculate your Quality Points

Quality Points are the numerical values assigned to your grades multiplied by the number of credit hours for each course. To calculate your Quality Points for each course, simply multiply the numerical value of your grade by the number of credit hours for that course. For example, if you received a grade of 2.0 in a course worth 3 credit hours, your Quality Points for that course would be 6 (2.0 x 3).

Step 4: Calculate your Total Quality Points

To calculate your Total Quality Points, simply add up all your Quality Points for each course you’ve taken. For example, if you received a grade of 2.0 in a course worth 3 credit hours and a grade of 1.5 in a course worth 4 credit hours, your Total Quality Points would be 18 (6 + 6).

Step 5: Calculate your Total Credit Hours

To calculate your Total Credit Hours, simply add up all the credit hours for each course you’ve taken. For example, if you’ve taken three courses worth 3 credit hours each and two courses worth 4 credit hours each, your Total Credit Hours would be 17 (3 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 4).

Step 6: Calculate your GWA

To calculate your GWA, simply divide your Total Quality Points by your Total Credit Hours. For example, if your Total Quality Points are 18 and your Total Credit Hours are 17, your GWA would be 1.06.

Using a GWA Calculator

A GWA Calculator can make it easier for you to calculate your GWA, especially if you have a lot of courses to calculate. To use a GWA Calculator, simply follow these steps:

Step 1: Enter the number of courses you’ve taken

Step 2: Enter the number of credit hours for each course

Step 3: Enter the grade you received for each course

Step 4: Click the “Calculate” button

The GWA Calculator will then calculate your Total Quality Points, Total 

Credit Hours, and GWA for you automatically.

Benefits of using a GWA Calculator

Using a GWA Calculator offers several benefits:

  1. Saves time and effort: Calculating your GWA manually can be time-consuming and tedious, especially if you have a lot of courses to calculate. With a GWA Calculator, you can easily and quickly calculate your GWA with just a few clicks.
  2. Accuracy: GWA Calculators ensure that your GWA calculation is accurate, as they take into account the number of credit hours and grades for each course. This eliminates the risk of human error that can occur when calculating your GWA manually.
  3. Planning and goal-setting: Knowing your GWA can help you plan and set academic goals. It can also help you determine whether you need to work harder in certain courses to improve your overall academic performance.

Tips for improving your GWA

If you want to improve your GWA, here are some tips that can help:

  1. Attend classes regularly: Attending classes regularly can help you better understand the course material and perform better on exams and assignments. It also shows your professors that you are committed to your studies.
  2. Participate in class: Participating in class discussions can help you better understand the course material and improve your critical thinking skills. It also shows your professors that you are engaged in the course.
  3. Manage your time effectively: Managing your time effectively can help you balance your academic and personal life, which can reduce stress and improve your academic performance.
  4. Study regularly: Studying regularly can help you retain information better and perform better on exams and assignments. It can also help you avoid cramming, which can be ineffective and stressful.
  5. Seek help when needed: If you are struggling with a course, don’t hesitate to seek help from your professors, academic advisors, or classmates. They can provide you with valuable insights and support that can help you improve your academic performance.


Calculating your GWA is an important part of academic life, as it provides an accurate representation of your academic performance. A GWA Calculator can make it easier for you to calculate your GWA, as it takes into account the number of credit hours and grades for each course. Knowing your GWA can also help you plan and set academic goals. By following the tips outlined above, you can improve your academic performance and achieve your academic goals.

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