
How to build a dApp on the NEAR blockchain?

Web3-based decentralized finance offers the corporate industry access to the global digital finance space. Even though it has evolved with time, many DeFi platforms still struggle to minimize high gas fees and low network speed. To address this point of improvement, NEAR has surfaced as one of the most suitable blockchains in the decentralized financial industry. 

With a distinctive sharding technique, NEAR blockchain offers a seamless dApp development ecosystem. It has high speed, feasible transaction costs and a sustainable architecture producing very low carbon footprints. NEAR mends the limitations of all the preceding-generation blockchains via its mechanism based on sharding. It functions on the Proof-of-Stake algorithm, which offers on-chain scalability and stable gas fees. 

NEAR is one of the robust blockchain networks that offers all the relevant attributes to build a decentralized application. It has a distinctive development suite that includes the following:

  1. NEAR SDKs
  2. Gitpod for NEAR
  3. NEAR wallet
  4. NEAR explorer
  5. NEAR command-line tools

Why build on NEAR?

Unlimited Scalability
With its inexpensive, consistent gas fees, NEAR’s sharded architecture makes business solutions affordable and allows for indefinite scaling.

Building on the NEAR protocol is a step in the right direction for the environment. The NEAR blockchain is the first one to be recognised as climate neutral.

Super Fast

NEAR protocol enables token transfers across NEAR accounts in an instant and is intended to provide the speed and user experience required for the widespread adoption of decentralised solutions.

What are the various NEAR development services? 

NEAR functions similarly with other centralised data storage platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS), which serves as the foundation for programmers to create apps. NEAR network is run and maintained by dispersed network members rather than being controlled by a single body. The NEAR network’s infrastructure enables a network of computers and their native coin to create comparable structures around NEAR, same as AWS enables developers to place code in the cloud without developing their infrastructure.

Only apps that users will use on the NEAR platform, powered by the network’s participating nodes, will be built by developers. By postponing onboarding, lowering the demand that users understand blockchain ideas, and minimising the amount of permission interaction necessary from users, the app can be made more user-friendly. Folowing are the various NEAR development services

  1. Scalable dApps
  2. NFT marketplaces
  3. Smart contracts
  4. Cross-chain bridges
  5. Nodes and wallets
  6. DAO integration
  7. Maintenance and upgrade



How to build a dApp on NEAR blockchain?

Here, using the NEAR ecosystem, we will create a CRUD dApp. This dApp will contain a web application, as well as two separate levels of smart contracts. Add the smart contract methods to call the CRUD operations while creating the CRUD application. Add an express endpoint, for example, to create a REST app that will accept incoming POST requests. We’ll use that URL as a template to add a “to-do” to the repository. 


Step up the development platform for the NEAR CRUD app and install all the relevant dependencies.


AssemblyScript, which is quite similar to TypeScript, is used to create smart contracts. Additionally, it is WebAssembly compliant. Furthermore, create a contract that is simple to communicate with the blockchain using the near-sdk-as library.

Make a new directory for the smart contract, then install an AssemblyScript code in it to start it up.


Develop the as-pect.config.js file to process the aspect testing. Then create assembly/__test__/as-pect.d.ts file and set up its tests. 


Utilize the near-api-js package for NEAR integration in React and the creat-react-app to construct the web application.


To handle all data storage, create a model.ts file. Next, construct a ToDo model class and a PersistentUnorderedMap in the model.ts file.


Create fresh to-do lists and store them to the NEAR blockchain first. Test the contract tasks now.


Add a static insert function to the Todo class so that tasks may be saved in the PersistentUnorderedMap for tasks. A to-do item is pushed into the to-dos PersistentUnordered Map using this technique.

The public interface for smart contracts is defined by smart contract methods. Define the create method, which enables the NEAR blockchain to push a new todo using the Todo model.


Deploy, run and test all the aspects and after passing the tests, create smart contract and deploy it to the development portal. The AssemblyScript code will be combined with WebAssembly during the contract building phase. The WebAssembly file will subsequently be sent and stored on the NEAR blockchain during the deploy phase.


To connect with the smart contract, call a smart contract code and write a form component. Then, add the written form component to the app.js file. After this, run the web application with the npm start. 


Use a getByld method and retrieve the todo. Build some test todos to check the getById method. Then receive each todo with the help of its respective id. 


By building and exporting the getById function, locate the todo by id and continue to design the smart contracts public interface.


After finishing and passing all the tests, deploy the smart contract . 


Utilize the offset and limit pattern and get the paged list of smart contract results.


Repeat the web application construction process similar to step 4 and fetch a list of todos. 


Then, update the todo and add a static findByIdAndUpdate method to upgrade the todo. After this, define the smart contract’s public interface. Build, test and then deploy the smart contract on the development front. 

Now, to finish the tasks refractor the Todo.js. 


Remove a todo using the del method and then add a static findByIdAndDelete method to remove the todos. Define the del function in context to the smart contract’s public interface definition. Refractor the todo.js to delete a todo. And Voila! your CRUD dApp on NEAR is ready. 

Key takeaway

One of the rare blockchains that are both environmentally friendly and carbon-neutral protocol with minimum carbon footprint emissions is NEAR blockchain. Because it uses the sharding mechanism, NEAR is a highly scalable network.

Its interoperability and human-readable account names, which replace cryptographically-coded wallet addresses and make it simpler for users to access wallets and dApps, are two further intriguing characteristics that go along with its scalability. Thus, NEAR is one of the blockchains that best satisfy the demands of many sectors for dApp development.

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