Digital Marketing

How to Boost Newsletter Performance: 7 Marketing Strategies

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Your email marketing newsletters have to be compelling and persuasive to their target recipients if you want to see returns on your marketing investments. However, that’s easier said than done! This post will break down seven key marketing strategies you can employ, plus go over how email marketing services like Klaviyo can help your brand achieve success.

Streamline Your Subject Lines

For starters, you should try to streamline the subject lines of your emails as much as you can. Ideally, a good email marketing subject line should be:

  • No longer than the “preview” window for a recipient’s browser. If the subject line is longer, try not to make it longer than one or two words
  • Comprised of punchy, short words rather than complex words

The more streamlined your subject lines are, the faster email recipients can grasp the content of the message within. This is crucial since many people automatically start to delete marketing emails even if they come from brands they already know and shop at.

But if your subject line is streamlined and compelling, they might hesitate when their cursor goes over the “delete” button and read the rest of your email message.

A/B Tests on Copy and Subject Lines

The next major tip is to use A/B testing for both the subject lines of your email and the copy in newsletter bodies.

A/B testing, put simply, means sending out two very similar versions of the same marketing email to intended recipients. Then, carefully analyze which of the two email newsletters or marketing materials does better.

Once you have this information, you can use the better-performing version of your marketing email for all future email communications. Continue to perform A/B testing on subject lines and email copy and soon enough, you’ll have a very effective email marketing newsletter message to send to your target audience members.

Use Bolded or Italicized Words

When composing either the subject line or the body of an email marketing newsletter, try to sprinkle bolded or italicized words in here and there. Don’t go overboard, but bolded or italicized words can draw the recipient’s eyes to certain parts of the message and make your writing seem a little more important or urgent. That’s always a good thing when trying to improve conversions from your marketing newsletters!

Use an Emoji

By the same token, consider using one emoji per marketing newsletter or email. You don’t want to use too many emojis, as this can feel annoying to readers. But a single well-placed emoji, like a smiley face or heart, can inject your marketing message with a bit of extra emotion to help your newsletters connect with their intended recipients.

Leverage “Urgency” Words

“Urgency” words are any words that inspire a reader to perform a certain action, like:

  • Buy
  • Visit
  • Try
  • Take advantage

Urgency words should be used during a marketing newsletter’s call to action, of course. But you should also sprinkle them in the subject line and body of each marketing email you send out.

Keep Your Newsletters Simple

Another important strategy to boost newsletter performance is to simply keep each message simple. The simpler the message of a marketing newsletter, the better.

Why? People have limited time in the day, and they don’t want to spend a lot of time reading through marketing emails. To that end, any marketing newsletter or message you send out should be short, sweet, and to the point. Point out the deal or immediate benefit to the consumer in the first line or two and end things with a compelling call to action.

Marketing experts like Email Marketing Agency can help you determine the ideal length for an email marketing newsletter, plus help you craft marketing copy that speaks to your target audience members based on their demographics and other information.

Use Targeted Deals/Offers

Lastly, take advantage of machine learning, AI, or customer relationship management tools to predict what discounts or special offers a given customer will be most likely to be interested in. For example, you can send a marketing newsletter to a repeat customer who previously bought one or two products.

If you have a sale on a product like those previous purchases, give them a marketing email with that discount. By tailoring your newsletters to individual users or site visitors, you’ll see a better conversion rate across the board, plus show your customers that you value them as individuals.

Wrap Up

At the end of the day, bolstering marketing newsletter performance is a matter of combining several effective strategies at the same time. For the best results, try to use each of the above tips in conjunction with each other; that way, your marketing emails will have the best chance to reach and convert your target audience members into paying customers. Good luck!

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