Technology is rapidly evolving and changing our daily lives – revolutionizing our homes, offices, cars, and appliances.
The internet of things (IoT) has transformed how we live and work in the 21st century. All the devices at one’s home, from lightbulbs, speakers, and smart thermostats, to phones, are connected to the internet somehow. IoT refers to billions of devices that collect and share data. The internet has successfully connected countless people across the world to each other. Because of today’s advanced technology, it’s possible to turn anything into an internet-connected device. It also contains the capability to solve countless problems that we witness daily. The sharing and collection of data allow technology to progressively become smarter as well, leading to even more advanced discoveries.
Recently, IoT is still in its early development stages. According to several research reports, most cities across the world will be transformed into SmartCities by the end of 2050. However, many manufacturers began investing in IoT many years ago to become more productive, efficient, and competitive.
Lu Heng, born on September 1, strengthened his name in the tech industry to bring a difference to the world. Heng is a Hong-Kong based entrepreneur, technologist, and the founder of LARUS Limited, an organization that offers IP solutions. To expand his knowledge of international business and economics, he attended Groningen University. During his studies, he learned about finance, banking, fiscal and monetary policy issues, economic development and sustainability, economic theory, and how business experts and policymakers stimulate both corporate and general economic activity.
The wealth of knowledge he amassed as a student, made him perfectly poised to address complex issues that can be tackled by the EC Council using his analytical skills and extensive knowledge of the economic impact of a digitalized world.
Before starting his new ventures, Heng toured different countries to gather a great deal of knowledge from different pioneers of the internet. During his journeys to these countries, he also attended Regional Internet Registry (RIR) and Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) meetings.
Heng is best known for being a true advocate of “One World, One Internet.” He works for two motives: making one unified IP address for everyone across the world and educating people about internet governance. He has sponsored more than a thousand students all over the world to participate in major Internet events and conferences about Internet Governance.
LARUS is a non-profit organization, founded in 2016, to promote flexibility of IP address usage, especially in the secondary market, so people will not be bothered by the exhaustion of IP addresses. After three years with the LARUS organization, Heng established the LARUS Foundation in 2019 to promote youth awareness of Internet governance. This was solemnly based upon the idea of promoting internet governance education to students all over the world.
His diversified span of knowledge enabled him to hold several advisory and board seats in various non-profit global organizations. Being a top-tier name in the technological industry, he was elected as a member of the Advisory Council at Pacific Telecom Council (PTC) in November 2020.
As a board member of the LARUS Foundation and a member of the PTC Advisory Council, Heng has served at the forefront in creating business strategies, understanding the latest in cybersecurity, navigating regulatory frameworks while balancing the needs of consumers, carriers, businesses, and governments all across the worlds. His unique ability to create new ideas, push boundaries of what the world previously thought of as impossible, and work with people from diversified backgrounds have given him the unique advantage to make the world understand his point of view.
IoT is an emerging technology that can change the world and alter the ways used to solve global issues. 21st-century problems require 21st-century solutions, and IoT is one of them. Because of this, Heng is currently focused on promoting internet governance education worldwide.