
How Creative Technologist Jill Shah Uses AR to Make Her Designs Come to Life

Thanks to the advent of technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR), our imagination is allowed to run free again. Hearkening back to the days of youth where our lives were filled within small pockets of joy. Where video games and amusement parks were sources of hours of entertainment and time flew by. 

We are entering a rather magical time where people like Jill Shah have helped usher in an era of immersive design, leveraging AR to augment her work and create magic no matter the setting. This is apparent through her work with Accenture creating the Hives an interactive workplace to her designs with Cosmic Camp an out of this world experience for kids. With the aim to incorporate joy into everyday interactions, Shah has distinguished herself as a leader within the field of creative technology.

Introduction and Adoption of AR

“I was first introduced to the know-hows of AR during my Master’s program at the Parsons School of Design,” she begins. Already immersed in 3D modelling, learning about AR was a natural extension for her education. Offering the ability to bring designs to life in a non physical method was an exciting proposition.

During her time at Parsons School of Design in New York, where she received a MFA in Design and Technology, Shah learned the benefits of using AR to augment and bring her designs to life. “I always start by conceptualising the project and AR is only introduced if it enhances the idea,” says the creative technologist. Directly after school, she began working in the design world during an exciting period of innovation.

Integrating technology

Integrating technology into real world design is not only vastly accepted, but being adopted ever more rapidly. As industries move towards an era of enhanced product engagement, creatives like Shah have been tasked with pushing the boundaries on how people interact with the spaces around them. “AR has taught me to design for engagement that goes beyond the visual,” she enjoys the challenge of, “thinking about how people will move through and interact with a space or object.”

This blurring between the digital and physical world has opened up numerous possibilities. It has also allowed for more joy and excitement to be added to everyday life.

AR Integration in Your World

As Augmented Reality has become a part of everyone’s lives, its impact can be seen in practically every professional field. From business, to education, and of course gaming and theme parks AR is redefining the way we view our daily lives. Opening up avenues for collaboration between creative disciplines, and making our lives a little more interesting on a daily basis.

Easing the burden on consumers and producers alike, AR has helped to simplify and streamline many of our interactions. “It has revolutionized industries such as retail, allowing customers the ability to virtually try on clothing,” she says. Alternatively the ability to virtually tour a home or apartment, or visualize and conceptualize your dream house during the design stage has helped to reimagine both the real estate and architectural landscapes.

Augmented Reality has become such a part of our lives that we have taken it for granted. “It is used in the navigation apps we use, or any augmented live performances, and even theme parks.” While Shah enjoys discovering the different applications of AR, what she enjoys the most is using it to build little pockets of magic layered upon each experience she works on.

 The Magic of Bringing Theme Parks to Life

Jill Shah fondly remembers begging her parents to take her to the local summer fairs when they came to town. “They were nothing like the scale of some of these modern theme parks, but I thought it was a fascinating world.” Little did she know that she would one day contribute to the designs of theme parks creating magical experiences for millions of people.

While these massive theme parks have already created an immersive experience for those attending, AR has added extra layers to the magic. “It’s like finding a secret peep-hole that lets you see into a fictional world of wonders,” Shah says with a glimmer in her eyes. “Imagine watching your favorite digital characters fluttering around in the real world,” she adds.

themed industry

While the themed industry has always been at the forefront of creating newer and better experiences, the introduction of AR takes it to a new level. It is a bridge between the digital and physical which opens up the possibility of interactions that we never would have imagined. “What makes it so exciting is that the digital world is ever evolving, giving people reason to come back for new experiences.”

Shah’s path has been one that traverses continents, but through it all she never forgets the fun of youth. Her work with theme parks has allowed her to let her inner child out and thoroughly enjoy her work. This ethos has blended into her other designs helping her to create pockets of joy in any setting.

As we look towards the future of design it is becoming increasingly augmented. Our wildest dreams come to life, like those of Jill Shah as a child imagining a day at a massive theme park. We are on the verge of a brave new digital landscape, one that involves ever more immersion and interaction with the spaces around us. With leaders of design such as Jill Shah this digital future looks to be filled with joy and imagination.

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