Digital Marketing

How Blogging Boost Your SEO Strategy

Blogging SEO Strategy

Marketing your business and maintaining a website is a time consuming task. Not everyone has the time to write regular blog articles, but it’s actually an important part of your SEO strategy. With Google’s search rankings becoming more crowded than ever, you need to do everything you can to stand out and encourage customers to visit your website. A Brisbane digital marketing agency can help, but if you are looking to achieve results yourself, here are 5 ways that regular blogging can boost your SEO strategy.

1) Fills Your Website With Relevant Content

Relevance is a major factor when it comes to search rankings. Google does its best to show searchers exactly what they’re looking for. It does this using cues like keywords and search intent to try and determine whether the content on a web page matches what the customer needs. That’s all well and good if a customer searches for your brand by name, but it’s harder to capture searches that use more obscure terminology. Blogs are a great way to work around this issue by filling your site with content that is relevant to your areas of expertise. Having lots of high quality, expert content on your website teaches Google that you’re an authority on your subject, making it more likely that you’ll appear during a search.

2) Keeps Your Website Fresh

Have you ever loaded up a website that looked old, unloved and out of date? It probably didn’t inspire confidence that the business held the answers you were looking for. Google understands this perfectly, so it prefers to show websites that are filled with fresh, regularly updated content. In most cases you won’t have any cause to regularly change your homepage or service pages (and frequently changing those major pages can even confuse Google), so a blog is the best way to fill your website with up to date information.

3) Target Long Tail Keywords

Keyword research underpins every aspect of SEO. Understanding how, why and where your customers are searching is the key to attracting visitors to your website. In most cases, businesses use the main body of their website to target a small number of major keywords. These keywords relate directly to the products or services you offer, like “men’s shoes” or “plumbing services.” A focused keyword strategy ensures your website will show up high in Google’s search results for those all-important terms.

But, in most cases, that’s not enough to stay on top of your competitors. You see, customers aren’t just searching for mens shoes, they’re also searching for advice on the “best men’s shoes.” They want to know “how to choose shoes for running.” They want to read “reviews on the latest men’s shoes.” All of these searches are touchpoints where you can attract a visitor to your website and potentially turn them into a customer. Regular blogging allows you to target these secondary and long tail keywords, ensuring your website shows up in a broader range of search results.

4) Improves Authority and Link Building

Authority is Google’s way of measuring the quality of your website and the information it contains. Remember, Google uses robots to assess websites, so it has no way of figuring out whether your website’s content is useful. That’s a challenge, because helpful content is one of the most important things to searchers, so Google has had to develop a way to rank the quality of websites.

Google determines authority using a mixture of AI tools that look at cues like keywords, customer feedback, relevance and inbound and outbound links. Of these, links are one of the simplest ways to improve your authority. When other high quality websites link to yours, it’s like a vote of confidence that your content is useful, and blogs are a great way to attract those links. While other websites are unlikely to link to your homepage, there’s a high chance that they’ll link to a helpful blog article you’ve written. Consistently blogging and updating your website will steadily attract new inbound links that help Google understand how authoritative your website is.

5) Provides Useful Information to Customers

Last but definitely not least, consistent blogging means your website will end up filled with information that’s useful to your customers. Providing helpful blog content that’s original, insightful and prepared by subject matter experts is a great way to build relationships with potential customers. Most blog content is informational in nature and is informed by your SEO strategy. That means the vast majority of people who read an article on your site are looking for specific answers to a question. It’s your job to provide those answers and back them up with researched, well-written content that’s relevant to their query.

Done consistently, writing useful blog content establishes your website as an authoritative source of information, further improving customer relationships and search rankings. 

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