The first website in the world was brought to us on August 6th, 1991. Since then, web design has come an incredibly long way and is now accessible to people with the most basic level of computer literacy. But, as with anything, there is increasing excitement over the fact that blockchain could have the ability to make it even better!
In this article, we’re going to delve into the fascinating realm of blockchain-fuelled web design and see how this revolutionary decentralized technology can transform this sector. But first, let’s look at blockchain and how it works.
What is Blockchain, And How Does it Work?
Blockchain is a revolutionary technology that has overhauled the data storage world and taken numerous industries head-first into the 21st century. The technology utilizes cryptography to store data in blocks. Once these blocks are full, they are connected to a blockchain of other blocks.
The most important part of all? Blockchain is decentralized. Any one person does not control it. Instead, all of the data held on the blockchain is distributed through an entire network of nodes and users. In doing so, the blockchain is incorruptible as no node can alter information stored on the blockchain and get away with it. All new blockchain data must be verified before being added to a block. Then, once added, the data on it cannot be changed.
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From tourism and aviation to automobiles and defense, blockchain has positively impacted numerous major industries worldwide. An increasing number of people claim that it can easily revolutionize the web design industry. Let’s talk more about that next!
Blockchain And The Web Design Sector
Digital marketing, eCommerce, and blogging have surged in recent years, thus creating a demand for reliable web design services. Nowadays, even someone with basic design skills can create a website with simple software and tools. But blockchain holds the potential to drive this sector even further.
With the abundance of benefits and changes it can bring, blockchain is poised to overhaul the world of web design in numerous ways. Next, we’ll delve into the three main ways it can achieve this.
Dispersed Cloud Storage
Today, anyone who uses the internet is most likely well acquainted with cloud storage. The likes of Dropbox and Microsoft utilize gigantic data hubs to store enormous amounts of user data, thus alleviating the pressure of memory on their devices. However, Microsoft and Dropbox and both centralized, which brings with them a whole range of security risks and threats from hackers.
Imagine a dispersed cloud storage system based on the blockchain that ensures all moving parts of cloud storage solutions, such as processing, transport, and storage, are decentralized. This is what blockchain can offer.
Through a blockchain cloud storage solution, those who participate will be part of a peer-to-peer network and be able to take advantage of classic blockchain features such as private/public key encryption, transaction ledgers, and hash functions. These features allow users to store their data in a secure and decentralized method.
Through a blockchain cloud storage solution, the users themselves are in full control of their devices and the data held on them, rather than a centralized third party.
Regarding cyber criminals attacking the network, there is no centralized server for them to target, not to mention that the encryption of private keys protects the entire network, so only the original owner of the data can access the unencrypted data. So, overall, a blockchain cloud storage system will offer more speed and security than a conventional centralized solution.
Another bonus is the fact that decentralized storage solutions are usually far cheaper than the centralized version. So, dispersed cloud storage based on the blockchain may overtake the cloud storage we know today.
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
SEO is a crucial foundation of any successful website. As the implementation of blockchain technology into web design grows, there is the possibility of an issue between transparency and blockchain.
You see, to achieve good SEO practices, web designers will need to seek out transparency whilst studying organic search terms. The main issue is that they could seek to reveal data on dealings that have taken place on the blockchain.
There is also the potential for issues between content handling systems and web platforms that will bring SEO experts and web designers to work together on them.
Regarding ad companies and websites, blockchain will also change things dramatically. Currently, most modern websites monetize themselves through Google Adsense, a system that connects web admins and advertisers and helps them both make money. However, the revenue given to both is notoriously small, and most of the profit goes to Google itself. However, through the use of blockchain, the need for a profit-grabbing middleman like Google will be optional.
One of the best things about blockchain is the fact that it removes cooperating parties from needing to trust each other. Instead, the trust element is placed in the unbiased and incorruptible ability of the decentralized blockchain system itself.
So when blockchain acts as a connector between web admins and advertisers, neither has to trust one other or bring in a costly intermediary. Instead, all agreements and deals will be transparent and accountable, thanks to the unique abilities of the blockchain system itself.
Increasingly Interactive Websites
Blockchain technology is well-known for its intense level of interactivity. When blockchain is fully rolled out in the world of web design, we will be given access to a revolutionary world of two-sided websites.
Following the example laid out by web giants like Google, web admins and designers will need to begin creating very fluid websites. As user needs change, these websites will increasingly need to adapt to stay updated.
Abstraction is one of the main issues facing most web admins and website designers. Data abstraction is where coders and web designers join together to create intricate web systems that are easy to use. They achieve this by separating the front end from the background workings of the system.
This means that only the user needs to be concerned about the front end, and they don’t need to concern themselves with the backend workings of the sites they browse.
The internet has reached all four corners of the globe, and the world of web design is increasingly becoming a reality for countless people worldwide. As we move into the future and blockchain technology continues to be successfully implemented in more use cases across online technology, the number of people it will impact will continue to surge.
As blockchain technology’s journey continues, web designers, SEO experts, and web admins will be forced to adapt to change and move with the blockchain cloud.
Suppose you’re one of the many people keen to invest in blockchain technology and the cryptocurrencies hosted upon it. In that case, it’s vital that you do so correctly and not fall victim to the many elaborate scam platforms that exist on the crypto market.