There are many types of learning disabilities. Dyslexia involves difficulty with the written word. Dysgraphia is somewhat self-explanatory as “Graphia” is Latin for writing. Putting thoughts into writing is a form of learning disability as students struggle with this.
Dyspraxia is coordination problems, especially with dexterity-related tasks and even coordination but is a bit different as it cannot interfere as much with learning.
Some children suffer from more than one learning disability and this can be very problematic for parents. Having a learning disability does not mean a lack of intelligence. It is a simple dysfunction of processing.
According to the NIH (National Institute of Health) in the US, children with disabilities are just as intelligent as their peers.
One type of learning disability is very common, however, and that is Dyscalculia, which like Dysgraphia, is a Latin-based root word. “Calculia” is Latin for math and this does mean a learning disability with math.
Math is necessary for almost all careers and of course, colleges generally require at least some courses in algebra, and/or other types of math for students seeking degrees. It is a basic that must be mastered even when struggling with a math learning disability.
The SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) required for entry to colleges is rather heavily focused on math. These assessments do matter when trying to enter a college or university that is prestigious.
Although there are many students gifted in math, most are not and find the subject difficult. A learning disability that includes math can be an even bigger challenge, therefore.
While all students can benefit from the new math solver app using AI (Artificial Intelligence), kids with math learning disabilities can benefit the most. There are several reasons for this:
- Math apps take the pressure off of doing math
Many students panic when faced with math homework. However, kids with math disabilities suffer the most. Math apps guide a kid through the assignments easily and instill confidence while replacing the phobia of math.
The more a kid with a math learning disability struggles, the more they become frustrated. In the end, they become very avoidant of math, which simply adds to the problem
Lacking confidence already in their math abilities already exists, and frustration mounts easily as a result when problems cannot be easily figured out.
- Math apps for kids are fun and exciting
This generation now has grown up with technology. Using an app lends excitement to any type of activity including math! Instead of pushing a child with a disability to do their math homework, parents can now relax and know their kids will be enthusiastic about math.
The “tug of war” that usually ensues, over math homework, or even preparing for a math quiz is diminished quite a lot by an app that is a “virtual tutor.”
- Kids with disabilities learn math while using a math app
The app teaches a child by showing the correct answers. It is not a substitute for learning. Instead, it enhances learning. It is a tool just like a calculator. A camera feature assists and the child learns by saving the answers also for future reference.
Even kids with disabilities find good apps easy to use and are indeed also “tech savvy.” There is little need for a parent to coach any child now on how to use apps. It comes as naturally as breathing to all children, even kids with disabilities.
In developed countries, it is not unusual to see toddlers using phones and apps for games that are age appropriate.
- Time is saved for parents and kids with a math disability
While most students with these disabilities have an IEP (Individualized Learning Program), it takes many meetings sometimes with a specialist in these programs as well as the use of flashcards, etc.
Parents today face many challenges and time is of the essence. Although at least an initial meeting with an IEP is suggested, providing tutoring at home via AI cuts back on frustration and lost time.
Different countries and different states may have different terminology for these specialists, but every school generally has requirements regarding kids with disabilities.
- Math apps for kids with learning disabilities save money
This is a big factor as tutors, especially math tutors, can cost quite a bit. Allowing an app to in fact “be” the tutor is a cost-effective method that can be used at any time.
No more scheduling with a tutor is also a relief for parents, as if cancellations occur, many tutors will still charge for the time of the session whether a kid becomes ill or not.
The average cost of a math tutor in the US is from 40 USD an hour to 100 USD per hour. This depends on grade level and also the skill of the student. The kids with a math disability will have higher pricing.
Group sessions are also usually offered but for kids with a math disability, this can create even more distractions and pressure.
The emergence of AI, (Artificial Intelligence) is an assistive tool that can enhance learning for any student of any grade level. It is of special importance to those with a math disability.
Even many adults are intimidated by math, so of course kids with disabilities will be even more so. Just like calculators, a math app can speed up learning and take the drudgery out of the learning of math.
All types of math problems, from algebra to word problems can be tackled. Parents can put the fun back into math for kids with disabilities with this assistive technology.
Confidence in the ability to do math successfully without dread is the most important aspect of the new math apps. And confidence in their abilities is one of the more common problems that kids with disabilities do encounter.
The math app using AI is simple and easy to use and involves snapping a picture of any problem or equation and waiting for the answer. It is a teaching device that any child will find delightful!