There is a high probability that if you work in an office, most of your time will be spent in that office. Some of us even spend more time at our desks than we do at home because we are so accustomed to working at our desks. Work-life balance is crucial, but it isn’t always possible with today’s workforce since many people don’t have the time to devote to it.
As a result, it’s only logical that you would desire certain office perks as well as a relaxing and comfortable work environment. The question is, where to start? What is the best way you can ensure that the office space you create is enjoyable for everyone who uses it?
When it comes to turning a sparsely furnished space into something more appealing to your employees, there is no set manual that you should follow. It doesn’t mean you have to aspire to the type of office spaces that Google or The Wing offer with slides, miniature golf courses, and beautifully designed furniture, but there are certain things you can do to ensure your office space is the perfect one for boosting productivity.
Create Open Space
Having a crowded workspace is no fun for anyone. No, it does not need to be overly spacious, but gone are the days when employees felt restricted, stressed, and like they were in a prison because of tiny cubicles, confined spaces, and confining compartments. Open up the space so your staff and you can move around as you please without having to worry about bumping into files and desks all the time. It is also easier to communicate when individuals can see one another easily.
Perfect Lighting
One of the most crucial aspects of any office environment is the lighting. Since a lack of sufficient lighting can adversely affect your work efficiency as well as your energy levels, it is important that you surround your work area with plenty of light. As much as possible, use natural lighting, but if you do not have that option, ensure that there is adequate overhead lighting in your office to avoid dull and poorly lit corners. If you choose blinds over curtains, your staff will have more control over both the amount of light and shade coming into the room. If there is a lot of natural light in your office, you might consider putting together an indoor plant garden that’s both colorful and vibrant. The presence of live, indoor plants enhances an interior’s aesthetics, which provides a sense of calm and tranquility in any environment.
Add Some Color
If you want to paint your office walls, you do not have to use eggshell, white dove, pearl, cream, or cotton. Color can make a workplace more conducive to productivity and productivity can be enhanced by adding a splash of color on an odd wall or two. Add accent walls if you want to brighten up an area.
It is also possible to make the room appear larger and more open through the clever application of color by making the room appear darker and larger than it actually is. It is also important to recognize that color is not just applicable to the walls in your room. If you would like to add some color to your work environment, consider using colorful office chairs or tables. Another great option is to use wallpaper from
Heating And Cooling
You need to ensure that you have a comfortable working environment in order for you to be happy and productive. Often, offices are either too hot or too cold, and both of these situations can cause discomfort and disrupt the smooth flow of work in an office. It would be a good idea to make sure that you are able to turn the temperature up and down, or at the very least, that you are able to add adhoc heaters and fans so you can control the temperature.
Almost every modern office requires a working internet connection, which is an absolute given. Having regions where your team is unable to connect to the internet will not help anyone and will ultimately prove to be extremely frustrating. How will you operate if your team is unable to participate in client calls or arrange remote meetings? Confirm that you have an appropriate internet connection throughout the office space so that staff members don’t have to wander around the building looking for a corner just to send an email.
In recent years, a greater number of people are working from home than ever before, especially since the changes brought about by Coronavirus. As a result, you must also think about how to connect your employees who don’t spend much time in the office with each other. Rather than feeling disconnected from the office, they need to be able to sense that they are also part of it. It is important to make changes so that these employees can participate in the daily meetings and have an equal chance to gain promotions, as well as have normal contact with those who are still working in the office. In order to accomplish this, you can use tools such as Microsft Teams and Zoom.
The decor may be lower on your priority list and may depend on your budget, however, even the simplest of objects can have a considerable effect on the way your office appears. Make the most of your living space by placing well-placed art or prints on the wall to break up large expanses of wall space with an interesting sculpture or statue that will become a talking point, and even adding a little greenery to give the room some life.
Dining And Kitchen Spaces
There is nothing more useful than a kitchen that is equipped with all the basic necessities. In addition, ensure that you have a toaster, microwave, kettle, and coffee maker in the kitchen. In addition, make sure that you have a continuous supply of tea, coffee, water, and snacks (if they are in your budget) to ensure that your workers stay hydrated and nourished throughout the day. The other thing you need to do is make sure that your office has a clean area where your employees can eat so that they do not feel like they have to stay at their desk for the entire time that they are at work.
The Amenities
To encourage social interaction, you may want to include a lounge area with a couch in your design. If you do this, your employees can go on a break at their leisure or talk about a particular project without being confined to their desks. The use of a large conference or meeting room with a whiteboard that can be used for brainstorming is also a good option.
Adding Ergonomic Furniture
It may seem like a good idea to try and keep a tight rein on your budget, but ergonomic furniture is essential for your staff. All desks, chairs, and tables must be able to be adjusted in all directions without exception, in order to make them comfortable and suitable for each individual employee. It will also help to minimize injuries such as repetitive stress injuries, sore backs, and stiffness. With a quality functional office chair that is designed to support their lower back and maintain good posture, you’re also making your employees more satisfied.
Again, you also need to take into consideration the employees who are now working remotely. The best way to ensure that your employees work efficiently at home is to make sure they have access to the furniture that they need to work comfortably at home as they would in the office. Additionally you need to make sure that you are able to provide them with the desk type and chair type they need when they are able to come into the office.
Plenty Of Electrical Outlets
The availability of plenty of electrical outlets is one of the most overlooked features in the office. Make sure there are enough outlets in the room and that extension cords do not have to be draped from one end of the room to the other. It is not only possible for this to hinder your activities at work, but it could also pose serious health and safety risks as well. More outlets will always be better than fewer electrical outlets if in doubt.
If you want your employees to enjoy working in the environment you have created for them, it is not difficult to do so. In order to make it more beneficial for the people who use the area, focus on what is important, and when in doubt, ask them specifically how they would like to see that area improved. After all, at the end of the day you want to see your employees inspired to be creative and motivated, and your decorating and layout ideas can play a huge role in helping you achieve that.