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Getting Started with SMS Marketing: All You Should Know

What is SMS marketing and how do you start?

Would you like to start a new efficient marketing campaign for your business? If so, we highly suggest giving SMS marketing a go. Since pretty much everyone uses a phone nowadays, it can be a really good way to allow more people to notice your business offers.

Bulk SMS messaging is not only efficient but also convenient. You will be able to get in touch with a large number of people at once. 

On top of that, there are multiple SMS message testing services that help you ensure your marketing campaign meets the desired goals and brings the needed results. 

Would you like to learn more about bulk SMS marketing? Well, in the following article, we will provide even more useful info that may come in handy for every business owner, 

What is SMS marketing?

If you want to inform your customers about new deals and offers, sales, or prizes but are unsure whether your customers use email actively enough to notice the message from you, then try reaching out to them via SMS. 

Before you start a new text message marketing campaign, you need to make sure you have a decent database with the phone numbers of your existing clients or potential leads and write an engaging text to make your customers really interested in your offers and even make them want to share your messages with others. 

How does bulk SMS work?

Creating a new bulk SMS campaign is a piece of cake. 

All you need to do is to prepare a list of all your contacts, write an engaging message to reach the interest of your clients, and schedule the sending in the sender platform of your choice. 

With just a few easy steps, you will be able to reach out to hundreds or even thousands of potential customers and boost your selling performance. 

Bulk SMS marketing benefits for business

As we mentioned before, one of the biggest benefits of sending mass texts is that everyone uses their mobile phone on a regular basis. This, the chances that the person may notice the message from you are much higher.

On top of that, the response to SMS marketing campaigns among the leads tends to be much higher than the email messages. Since people are often on their phones during the daytime, they are likely to read your message within a few minutes after its delivery.

Plus, sending SMS texts doesn’t cost you much. No matter what service provider you are using, sending even a few hundred messages should not cost you much. 

Why do you need to do SMS route testing before launching your campaigns?

What else you need to know about SMS marketing is how to test routes. In order to check whether your campaign will be successful enough or not, you can run a route testing with one of the SMS marketing aggregators.

The report from SMS testing API integration can provide you with various information including whether the recipient’s number is still valid, whether their mobile device is inactive, whether the number has the right format, and so on. 

Thanks to that, you won’t waste time sending messages to existing numbers and will use your time and effort smartly. 

5 steps to starting your first SMS marketing campaign

So if you decide to launch an SMS marketing campaign, we would like to share these 5 easy steps with you. By following them, we hope you will manage to boost your business and reach the desired goals initially. 

  1. Before sending the texts, you need to ensure that most of your messages will actually get delivered to the recipients. That’s why we suggest running a test with our SMS testing platform. 
  2. Schedule the proper time for your campaign. You need to avoid sending mass texts early in the morning or really late at night. Otherwise, instead of engaging your customers, you will irritate and annoy them. 
  3. Write a message that is easy to understand and doesn’t involve a lot of unnecessary information. Your leads will much rather read a short clear message rather than pay attention to a long and boring one. 
  4. Offer an unsubscribe option. You need to respect your client’s interests and, in case they completely don’t care about your offer, they should be able to unsubscribe. 
  5. Lastly, make sure you don’t bombard your client with too many messages. You need to schedule campaigns wisely without being too obnoxious. 

Summing up

All in all, we consider bulk text marketing one of the best strategies for effective advertisement. 

We hope that with the help of this article, we actually managed to persuade you into trying bulk messaging and you will see the advantage of B2B SMS marketing really soon. 

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