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Fred Auzenne explains How to use Twitter polls to understand your audience better

Fred Auzenne

Twitter polls are a great way to get feedback from your audience on a variety of topics says Fred Auzenne. By asking questions and giving people the ability to respond quickly and easily, you can learn a lot about what your audience thinks and feels.

Here are 10 tips on how to use Twitter polls to better understand your audience:

1. Keep your questions short and sweet.

The best Twitter polls are those that are short, sweet, and to the point. You want people to be able to respond quickly and easily, without having to put too much thought into it.

2. Ask open-ended questions.

Open-ended questions will give you the most valuable insights into your audience’s thoughts and feelings. Avoid yes/no questions, or questions that can be answered with a simple choice between two options.

3. Find out what your audience cares about.

One of the great things about Twitter polls is that they give you the ability to see exactly what your audience cares about most. By paying attention to recurring themes and topics, you can better tailor your content and messaging accordingly.

4. Follow up with your audience for more in-depth feedback.

If you want to get even deeper insights into how your audience thinks and feels, follow up with them after a Twitter poll has been completed explains Fred Auzenne. Send out another tweet asking for further comments or opinions, or send out a survey through email or another platform.

5. Use Twitter polls for market research.

Twitter polls are a great way to get feedback on potential new products or services, as well as learn more about your existing customers’ needs and wants. Use poll results to help inform the development of new offerings, and keep your audience updated on your progress.

6. Keep an eye on trending topics and hot topics in your industry.

To stay up-to-date on what’s happening in your field and among your audience, it can be helpful to monitor trending topics and hot topics on Twitter. This will give you valuable insights into current events and discussions going on around you, which you can then use to shape future content or approach different issues in a different way.

7. Engage with people who respond to your poll.

If you want to get the most out of Twitter polls, it’s important to engage with people who participate in them. Reply to their comments and thank them for their feedback, or reach out directly if they have any additional insights or ideas. This is a great way to build stronger relationships with your audience and show that you value their opinions and input.

8. Promote your Twitter polls through other channels.

To maximize participation in your Twitter polls, be sure to promote them through other social media channels and on your website or blog. You can also encourage people to respond by offering prizes or discounts for taking part in the poll.

9. Experiment with different types of questions and formats.

There are many different ways to use Twitter polls, so it’s important to experiment with different question types and formats to see what works best for you and your audience says Fred Auzenne. Try asking multiple-choice questions, true or false questions, or even open-ended questions that allow people to share their thoughts and opinions in a more free-form way.

10. Use Twitter polls regularly to stay connected with your audience.

Twitter polls are a great way to stay connected with your audience and get feedback on a regular basis. By using them on a regular basis, you can build up a better understanding of your audience’s thoughts, feelings, and needs over time.

Overall, there are many great ways to use Twitter polls to better understand your audience. By keeping your questions short and sweet, asking open-ended questions, and following up for more in-depth feedback, you can get valuable insights that will help you improve your content and better serve your audience.


Twitter polls are a valuable tool for understanding your audience’s thoughts, feelings, and needs explains Fred Auzenne. By keeping your questions short and sweet, asking open-ended questions, and following up for more in-depth feedback. You can also get valuable insights that will help you improve your content and better serve your audience.


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