Ayden Hector weighed in on four ways to get involved in your community
For those who love being part of a community, volunteering is one of the best ways to give back, says community volunteer Ayden Hector. Whether you want to help your local animal shelter or improve your neighborhood, there are many opportunities to help out and get involved. Even if you can’t commit to volunteering every week, there are still a few simple ways you can get involved in your community and impact.
Get to Know Your Neighbors
Whether you live in a big city or a small town, it’s common for people not to know their neighbors very well. We all live busy lives, and neighbors tend to rank low on the list between work, family, and friends.
But it’s important to get to know your neighbors, says Ayden Hector. This can be done in several ways, from simply introducing yourself to your next-door neighbor to learning about the community. By getting to know your neighbors, you can open yourself up to new ideas and find inspiration for new ways to get involved in your community. After all, your neighbors are your community!
Help Out at Your Local Animal Shelter
Whether you want to help clean up or just pet some dogs, there are many ways you can help out at your local animal shelter. Not only will you be helping animals in need, but you’ll also get a glimpse into the shelter process.
While there is a glut of volunteers at the animal shelter in the spring and summer when new animals tend to arrive, shelters need help all year round. Try holding a bake sale or another kind of fundraiser for your local shelter–they can use the money to purchase food, pay veterinary bills, and take on more animals.
Give to Your Local Food Bank
When you think about a food bank, the first thing that comes to mind may be canned goods. And while these preserved foods are certainly important, there are so many other things that food banks provide to those in need.
Many food banks use the money they receive from donations to buy nutrient-rich foods like fruits and vegetables, to which lower-income people don’t always have easy access. Ayden Hector says that there are many different ways to help your local food bank, whether by delivering food, packing meals, gathering donations, or writing a check.
Help Your School or Youth Organization Says, Ayden Hector
It truly takes a village to raise children. That’s why school and youth organizations are always looking for qualified volunteers. Find a volunteer shift or a mentorship opportunity, like reading to children or helping out with a sports or club activity.
Make a difference in a child’s life by sharing your own experiences and giving them the attention and time that all children need to thrive.
Even if you can’t commit to volunteering weekly, there are still ways you can get involved in your community, explains Ayden Hector. Whether it be getting to know your neighbors, helping out at your local animal shelter, or simply doing something you’re already good at, there are so many ways you can get involved in your community.