
Features That the Best Reporting Software Should Have

Reporting software has become important to decision-making in business, as they make all kinds of query reports available.

If you are seeking the best reporting software for your company, we need to begin with the basics, and then go forward from there.

First, a reporting tool provides companies with reports after sourcing and organizing different kinds of data. The data it provides helps teams make decisions using easily-accessible information without having to engage in manual information sourcing.

Reporting software can come in handy when preparing documents like budget reports, task performance reports, and sales reports. However, it can be customized to fit whatever report is necessary.

Features that the best reporting software should contain

  1. Interactive dashboards

The dashboard is where reporting data will be displayed, so it should be as interactive and intuitive as possible. With this feature, you can also enjoy a more transparent data report, while viewing it from different angles and perspectives.

If you want to make well-informed decisions, interactive reporting dashboards are a must.

  1. Data visualization 

Every reporting software should have several types of data visualization that can give you insights into a report with a few visuals.

The more data visualization options the reporting tool has, the easier it is for your team members and clients to visualize their data better.

Examples of data visualization options are graphs, charts, Venn diagrams, scatter plots, and data maps.

  1. Static Reports

Static reports show you data and reports from a chosen time or date that helps you reach a decision. For instance, if you want to observe the progress rate in the past month, good reporting software should be able to give you reports focused on that time. It should also be able to create real-time reports.

  1. Live Reports

Beyond static reports, you have real-time reports, which offer you all the up-to-date information you need to decide on issues. With such accurate data, you can have all your teammates on the same page, evaluate performance and statistics, and make well-informed decisions.

  1. Drag-and-Drop feature

The drag-and-drop feature allows you to move files without stress when working, and they are beyond necessary for any great reporting tool. With this feature, you can include all the elements you need into your dashboard, including visualization models and data.

Once you’re able to drag everything you need to the dashboard, you can create reports easily.

  1. Customization and Modification

The best reporting tool should have customizable formats to help you get creative with your reports and carry out modifications when necessary.

Choose a customizable reporting software, so that you can change layouts, colors, and other elements when generating and presenting reports.

  1. Integrations Support

The best reporting software should support integration with other applications and tools, especially those that you use at your company, such as email integrations.

No tool is self-sufficient, so you need to integrate several tools to keep your business ecosystem alive.

Check out the list of applications that can be integrated into the software, and decide whether they match with the apps you need. If they do, then your data collection process will become all the more seamless.

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