Singapore – Leading global blockchain technology service provider ChainUP has launched an ETF (exchange traded fund) system solution on its financial derivatives platform EXUP. Providing customized and SaaS services to exchange platform customers, this move is seen to open up new investing and trading channels for trading platform customers.
SaaS services are utilized for exchange platforms to provide users with more varied investment categories at low cost and with high efficiency. ETFs can be customized in areas such as leverage allocation, weight allocation, multi-dimensional reporting and purchase and redemption. ETFs can also greatly reduce investment costs and risks, and user thresholds. This meets users’ diverse investment needs while lowering investor learning curves.
Leveraged ETFs are a very popular type of financial derivatives in traditional financial markets. As financial derivative markets developed, the use of leveraged financial derivatives such as stock index futures and swaps to achieve leveraged investment effects became increasingly widespread. Leveraged ETFs are considered an innovation, albeit an innovation that has to be utilized with discernment, over traditional ETFs because they have the advantages of spot trading, no margin requirements, compounding interest or risk control.
ETFs are important investment tools used for asset appreciation. The development of blockchain-based ETFs have generally been in Europe and the US and EXUP hopes that with this launch, it will open up new investing and trading channels for customers in Asia, in essence supporting a financial ecosystem that is based on blockchain technology.
Blockchain technology has been developed on quite a few fronts, such as supply chain management, the digitized entertainment industry, digital applications, biotechnology and agriculture, amongst others. ETFs which are built on blockchain are naturally an effective investment tool for tokens built on blockchain technology.
Exchanges which have deployed the ETF system online through EXUP, include BBKX, BitSG, MOMO, Xuebi, GOKO and others.
Launched by ChainUP, EXUP is its independent blockchain financial derivative brand, committed to providing customers with blockchain financial derivatives services which are secure, stable and efficient. Its highly stable and reliable matching engine, through a distributed system architecture based on microservices, has been created to empower the financial ecosystem on blockchain. The EXUP team has provided financial derivatives technology services to over 60 enterprises in more than 10 countries and regions worldwide.
About ChainUP
ChainUP is one of the leading blockchain technology solution providers in the world. It owns eight well-developed product lines: digital currency trading, wallet, situational awareness, public chain and consortium blockchain, mining pool, blockchain cloud media, liquidity, broker, and has constructed an industrial closed-loop from technology service to traffic and traffic commercialization. So far, it has served 300+ exchange clients, 100+ digital wallet clients, 150+ liquidity service clients, which include 50+ million users in over 20 countries from Asia, Europe, America and Oceania. The team members behind ChainUP have worked in top blockchain or internet companies and institutions in technological development and operation management, and are highly experienced in the blockchain industry. It has obtained several rounds of investments from well-known top institutions in the industry, such as Morningside Venture Capital, Joy Capital, Node Capital, Albatross Venture, Taoshi capital, amongst others.