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Entrepreneur and Founder of 9d Ventures, Alexander Guizzetti on Finding Greater Purpose

The pandemic has impacted people and businesses in many ways. Never again will life be the same as it was. For some, that’s a good thing. For Alexander Guizetti, the founder of 9d Ventures, it’s a good time to focus on the purpose behind company goals. Finding a greater purpose may be the most important change for companies to focus on in the post-pandemic world.

Adapting to a New World

One of the most important components of business success is being able to adapt. Companies face challenges. When those challenges present themselves, it creates a scenario in which a company is forced to adapt to those changes or face extinction. This is the way business has operated for all of time. But, things are different now.

Companies that want to survive the pandemic and come out on top need to have a new focus on their goals and aspirations. Challenges will still occur, but what tends to be critical is how they interpret that challenge. Instead of seeing it as an obstacle, the better view is one of opportunity.  

Redefining the Why Behind Your Decisions

Alexander Guizzetti has most certainly seen challenges in his time as an entrepreneur working to build 9d Ventures, a venture capital and private equity company based in Scottsdale, Arizona. In fact, he’ll tell you that some of the best ideas he’s come across are rooted in frustration and the opportunity to solve a problem. It could be professional or personal life – but when frustration occurs, he works to answer the question, “How can I do this better?” By using this mentality, coupled with a desire to solve problems effectively, Guizzetti has achieved a great deal in the last few years.

One of the most important ways to make decisions is to understand and redefine your why. What is your “why”?

It is what drives you to succeed. It is what motivates you, even in those hard moments, to take some action to achieve something better. When you have a clearly defined “why”, or reason for acting or participating, you’ll have more opportunity and desire to keep working. Even when things become increasingly difficult, having a well-defined “why” allows you to work through just about anything that is up in front of you, holding you back.

Each person needs to define what their own “why” is. It differs from one person to the next, as people are motivated by different things,  but in every situation, that “why” is critical to making it through these hard times. The hard part of the process is to truly understand that “why” – it is personal, deeply specific to your needs and what you believe in.

For many people, that “why” relates to creating a better life for ourselves or for our family. For some, it is about building a legacy of doing something good in the world. Most of the time, a person’s “why” is not something that comes from ego. It is something that is truly important to them and often relates to many other people.

Recognize the Need for Something Different

The intensity of the pandemic has created different views. A person’s perspective and priorities are likely to be different now than prior to the pandemic. There’s no doubt that everything we’ve witnessed in the last year is going to play a role in what priorities are for people. So much loss of life, so many inequalities, and countless instances of reevaluating who we are and what we stand for are all adding up.

It’s directly evident, then, that what motivated a person before the pandemic is not going to be the same as what motivates them after. And, it is time to create a deeper answer as to what our new “why” is.

When it’s possible to better understand our “why”, it’s likely you will be able to increase the purpose in your life and the work you do. What do you feel is different now? What has changed your perspective?

Look beyond what is happening in your personal life right now as well. View the world and its current state of affairs from a distance. It’s clear that companies – and the successful people behind them – need to be able to adapt to all of these changes. The business world is evolving rapidly and it’s evident that it will not be the same going forward.

Now, when you think about how to push your business to the next level or how to overcome strife in the business world, you’ll have to put a bit of insight into a better “why”. Think about what is working and what is not working within your budget, especially if you are in one of the many industries that have suffered significantly and may not be able to go back to the way things are. What is your “why”? Look inside yourself to understand this. That’s when you’ll be empowered to overcome the challenges you’re facing.

Create a New Way Forward

Alexander Guizzetti loves to bring new ideas to mind. He is recognized as an entrepreneur that stands behind problem-solving startups and provides the funds necessary to change the world, one company at a time. It’s important for him to support those companies, the little guys with a big idea. As an entrepreneur, he recognizes just how much COVID-19 has challenged and stretched people. While people did not have a choice but to change and adapt because of the virus, it opened new doors and opportunities. It brought people together to connect online and in creative ways that would not have done it before.

When you consider your “why”, then think about all of the ways COVID-19 and the pandemic itself have changed you and the world around you. Think about what it has transformed in your life and within your budget to bring about change. What you may find is that it is easier than ever to define what really matters in life now that you have a new prescriptive. Yet, to do that, every business owner and entrepreneur needs to make the decision to define what their new “why” is.

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