What does it mean to enhance SEO with page value? It means that even though you may follow numerous search engine optimization strategies, unless you provide value, you may not achieve the results you’re looking for.
What exactly is page value?
Page value is one of the many metrics that search engines utilize to determine how well the pages in your website contribute to follow through or action. You can use as many keywords, images, and headings and so forth as you want to describe a product or service or information, but unless that page promotes some kind of action on the part of the user, you risk wasting your time.
Bottom line? Page value has a role to play in conversion. In other words, have you converted the visitor to your site into a buyer? Have you been able to encourage your visitor to view another pages or complete a transaction or sign up for a newsletter or other perk? Page value is an important aspect of any online site that sells something and utilizes e-commerce tracking. E-commerce tracking is already applied within Google analytics.
That said, you don’t necessarily have to sell something in order to determine whether your pages have value for a visitor. Look at your overall rankings in Google analytics. How long are visitors staying on your home page or any other page within your website? Have you provided links on your home page that lead to more detailed information, services, or purchases?
Page value is often equated to a specific goal. It doesn’t matter whether you’re trying to promote sales for a home-based business such as crafting, or you’re promoting your plumbing services, home-based or not. It’s about creating direct and indirect revenue for your business, small or large.
The term “page value” is not only important aspect of e-commerce, but is a technique that should be employed in any website that seeks to gain clients (thereby increasing income), sell products (again increasing income), or triggering desired engagement from users toward a certain purpose.
Page value counts for something
Another way to look at page value is in the number of visitors you not only gain, but the length of time they spend on any particular page or within a website. If the site pages have encouraged them to purchase a service or product, then you’ve also applied the concept of page value – information that promotes an actionable response.
Large numbers of traffic may boost ranking temporarily, but if visitors aren’t staying on the page very long, the page value overall is not successful. Enhancing page value means paying attention to your keyword research and quality content, providing accurate and reliable information, internal linking, and increasing potential for a high conversion rate.
The goal of achieving page value means encouraging visitors to search and explore your website with the ultimate goal of making a purchase of a service or product. Used properly, SEO techniques such as increasing page value enhances overall success.
If you are looking for a trusted SEO firm, Craig Cooper SEO can give you a free quote for your business. Indianapolis SEO company