
Empowering Men with Real-Time Health Metrics and Advanced Treatment Options May Improve Outcomes of Hypogonadism

The United States has one of the most advanced healthcare systems in the world, but what if our approach to health and wellness is misguided? What if a better strategy would involve educating individuals about lesser-known diseases, finding new treatments for them, and providing the tools for people to take care of themselves away from the doctor’s office? A three-tier strategy such as this could ultimately result in a healthier society.

The services of Base Healthcare may provide a model for how this can be achieved. The company is focused on improving the outcomes for those with low testosterone, also known as hypogonadism. The condition affects more than 39% of men 45 years and older, a high percentage, yet very few are aware they are hypogonadal. They frequently misunderstand their own symptoms, which can include low libido, lower muscle mass, decreased bone density, fatigue, low energy, weight gain, depression, and anxiety. 

Base Healthcare is educating men on these symptoms and encouraging them to seek medical help, which could be an effective intervention strategy. This is especially important when you consider that hypogonadism is a chronic condition and that its prevalence in the United States has been growing since the 1970s due to lifestyle factors in the American population. Low testosterone can also contribute to more serious diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, fatty liver disease, and others. Raising awareness of these facts is crucial.

Base Healthcare is also working to place the real-time health metrics of their members in their hands, even when they are away from the doctor. The company has created a smart-phone based platform that allows a person’s vitals to be scanned and uploaded to the platform. Each member can learn more about their overall health through data about their body composition, body circumference, blood pressure, respiration rate, and other information. This, in turn, helps the man to understand how their sleep, stress levels, nutrition, and exercise habits are impacting their health on a daily basis. While platforms like these are not meant to replace visits to the doctor, they can definitely help reduce their frequency.

Treatments for testosterone deficiency have existed for years, but their outcomes have been questionable. Adherence to therapy has been an issue because of the visibility of patches, the discomfort of pellets and injections, the scarring of pellets, and the messiness of gels. The FDA-approved Oral Testosterone Therapy offered by Base Healthcare may help to improve treatment adherence rates and lead to more men with adequate testosterone levels.

Hypogonadism is a serious, chronic condition that is just beginning to be talked about in America. By shedding light on its symptoms, prioritizing foundational health, and offering effective treatments, the medical community can help more hypogonadal men to take control of their health and live each day fully.

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