
EMF Meters: The Truth About Their Actual Applications

Even if you’ve never heard the term “EMF meter,” there is no doubt that you’ve seen one in action. Often appearing on the big screen in spooky thrillers and real-life professional spheres, EMF meters, also called readers or detectors, are multifunctional tools that can sense electrical and magnetic fields.

While this may sound like pretty advanced science, you can purchase a meter for as low as $20! If you’re curious to learn more about these exciting tools and how they can be used, read on.

Are They Legit?

EMF readers get a bad rap. Often, the very first thoughts that pop into someone’s head when they hear “EMF” are B-rated horror films or poorly-made TV specials about haunted houses. Cue eye rolls.

But most companies in the wide world of ghostly haunts, like US Ghost Adventures, agree that this media representation is a poor depiction of EMF meters. In fact, these small devices are a real type of technology that has multiple real-world applications.

How Do They Work?

Before diving into EMF meters, you need to understand EMF. EMF stands for Electric and Magnetic Fields, more commonly referred to as radiation. EMF is associated with the use of both artificial and natural light and electric power.

Two categories of EMF are recognized today: Iodizing and Non-Iodizing. Ionizing radiation goes out at a much higher frequency and can cause harm to humans. Examples include X-Rays and sunlight. On the flip side, non-iodizing EMF is safe for humans due to the much lower frequency. This type of radiation is present in radio, WiFi, cell phones, and microwave ovens.

An EMF reader has extremely sensitive elements that detect radiation emitted by anything with an electric charge. It can pinpoint fluctuations of magnetic or electric energy in a defined area. That means that these tools can give people keen insights into the unseen energies moving around us.

What Are the Common Uses?

The rampant surge of advanced technology in the last few decades has brought EMF back to the forefront of discussion, and these meters are attracting interest for their functions in science and technology development and protecting human health.

Health and Home Appliances

Studies have proven that the items we interact with daily, like cell phones and microwave ovens, will not lead to DNA damage and cause harm to human health, such as cancer.

That said, some researchers and concerned citizens are not entirely convinced, and more research needs to be conducted as technology continues to advance.

Because they’re so affordable and user-friendly, EMF readers give the average person the power to assess their surroundings and make informed decisions that could affect their health.

WiFi, Power Lines, and Electrical Systems

Think about how much WiFi radiation is constantly surrounding you, whether you’re actively using WiFi or not. Because so much of this technology is new, in the grand scheme of scientific and industrial advancement, many people are skeptical that it’s as safe as some studies say.

While EMF readers cannot do anything to stop radiation from bouncing around your home or office building, wielding one can give you information about how strong and potentially dangerous frequencies may be.

For example, if you live close to major power lines, you may want to test the radiation around your house. Alternatively, you could use one to measure the EMF of the signal between your phone and Bluetooth headset.

It’s always better to be safe than sorry. Some believe that the EMF reader tool can give you insights into potential threats and allow you to make smarter choices for the sake of your health.

Electricians also use EMF readers to find wiring issues and fix electrical systems.

Ghost Hunting

One of the primary uses for EMF readers lies in the world of ghost hunting. Apparently, in locations where people suspect strong paranormal activity, an EMF reader can pick up on radiation that fluctuates nonsensically. Some ghost hunters take this to mean that ghosts are present and that the EMF reader is picking up on their energy.

While these commonly used meters are supposedly one of the most effective devices in ghost hunting, no tool can genuinely confirm the presence of ghost activity. Additionally, there is no concrete scientific evidence to suggest the existence of ghosts at all. Rather than rely on untested means of discovering ghosts, it makes more sense to trust historical research about a specific place. Even still, these devices are widely prevalent in the ghost hunting community.


While a legitimate technology that can serve a real purpose, EMF readers often get a bad rap due to their connection with ghost hunting. And while there may be no concrete evidence to prove their effectiveness in detecting ghostly activity, many still believe that EMF meters offer a lens through which we can peer into another realm.

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