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Dr. Candice Matthews Recognized Second Honorary Doctorate

Honorary Doctorate

Dr. Candice Matthews received an honorary doctorate from Leaders Esteem Christian Bible University in 2021.

The second annual Leaders Esteem Christian Bible University graduation was held on December 4, and Dr. Candice Matthews served as an honored guest for the university. 

Matthews was recognized with her second honorary doctorate by the educational institution during the 2021 graduation ceremony. 

2021 Honorary Doctorate recipient Dr. Candice Matthews

The 2021 graduation ceremony was held on June 13 in Spring, Texas with Dr. Verna Caddie, chancellor and president, leading the way in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. With protocols in place, a packed house of family and friends watched as their loved ones received their first degrees from the university. 

Dr. Candice Matthews received an honorary doctorate in humanity, a Ph.D. very suited to her dedication to children and her advocacy work on behalf of kids in foster care in Houston. Matthews is the CEO and executive director of Children of Diversity Foster Adoption Agency in Texas.

Through her organization, she strives to help children rise above past crises in their lives and build resilience as they receive care through licensed foster homes that focus on providing a therapeutic environment. She is also dedicated to furthering child welfare causes through state and federal governmental advocacy, a natural extension for the chair of the Texas Statewide Steering Committee for the Rainbow Push Coalition.

The inaugural celebration at Leaders Esteem Christian Bible University honor joins an additional Ph.D. earned by Dr. Candice Matthews — a Ph.D. in cognitive development from Macedonia Bible College. 

Christian Bible University

About Leaders Esteem Christian Bible University

The university recognizing Dr. Candice Matthews was founded in 2020 after Dr. Verna Caddie determined to provide more empowering educational resources for men and women. The non-profit school is an accredited and recognized Bible University affiliate with the International Alliance for Christian Education and many other respected educational organizations. 

A variety of programs are offered to help empower faith-based leaders like Dr. Candice Matthews — professionals who are changing the world with love and dedication to serving others. The online school helps all students find and cultivate their callings and leave with the skills needed to minister and serve as leaders. 

At the 2022 ceremony, Matthews was on hand to support the university and its goals. Her advice for graduates ready to work in demanding fields of counseling and coaching is to find a mentor and learn from their experience and advice as new challenges present themselves. 

According to Matthews, leadership requires service, providing inspiration to others, and effectively communicating. Problem-solving skills are a must, but a successful leader relies on teams to help make decisions and implement action steps.

For Matthews, these are all part of daily life as she assists the foster children in her community and now helps inspire a new generation of leaders.

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