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Do unto others as you would have them do unto you: Zale Mortgage Gives Back After Reshaping Its Industry

Zale Mortgage

You are probably familiar with the aphorism “what goes around comes around”. Or maybe “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. These are both lessons that age old shrewd companies abide by. Zale Mortgage, a reputable agency under the leadership of a generous Nathan Zale, makes giving back to good causes a great priority when it comes to company profits. As for why he gives to organizations like St Judes Children’s Hospital, Nathan revealed that he believes that when we care for children, we take care of the future. Nate was once a realtor on the breadline before launching his successful network of marketing systems hosting over 1,100 customers, one being Zale Mortgage.

However, to fund these good causes, the agency must remain profitable, and not just in the short run. Long term and stable profitability helps Nathan continue to help great causes, but to establish strong cash flow to support this, you have to tackle a consistent problem in an industry, and solve it well. For mortgage professionals, that consistent problem is usually leads, and on a deeper level, following up with leads. Zale Mortgage crushed the competition to see over 100 requests per day for their services for not only solving this problem, but allegedly solving it more efficiently, at a more affordable pricing model, and with greater potential ROI than any other service provider on the market. Naturally, one would ask the question – How?

At its root, this boils down to the agency’s Lending Authority system, their advertising platform for mortgage professionals. Their all-in-one marketing system helps mortgage pros potentially fill their pipeline with qualified leads on a daily basis? How? They have a built in qualification survey that allows users to set their own lead qualifications that helps control quality.

Zale’s claim to fame and rise to popularity is very much down to their personal and successful advertisements promoting their platform for mortgage professionals. It’s important to note, that following the lead generation, Zale stands out with praises from clients on their website for how easily it allows users to follow-up with leads and stay top of mind. As the fortune is in the follow-up, they consistently position you as the “Lending Authority” that leads should connect with throughout the prospecting and closing process.

Zale abides by the guiding principles of giving back. While providing a great service and building a strong 1,100 customer base, they make sure to do their part as a profitable agency and give back to good causes. What do they get in return for that? Fulfillment perhaps. But what they do know is that individual lives have definitely benefited from them. If you want to learn from a successful agency who understands basic principles like giving first before receiving, Zale Mortgage and its Founder, Nathan Zale, are great examples. And if you’re a mortgage pro (local officer, lender or broker) who’d like to secure more profits, knowing you’re in safe hands, Zale Mortgage would be a great choice. It’s for these guiding principles of reciprocity that they’ll likely lead the market for the foreseeable future. And we’ll continue to see great causes thrive with their support in tune with the old adage “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.

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