Sit down and make a list of the features you want your website to have before you even begin the process of designing it. You are going to need to do some study and make some kind of a decision about the kind of looks you are going for. After you have begun the design process, this can be discussed and improved upon. In addition, you need to think about the characteristics that websites often offer and determine which of those elements you want to incorporate into your website.
In addition to this, one of the things that you need to do is to create a comprehensive budget for the project and evaluate whether or not it will have sufficient features. Before beginning to build your website, there is one more thing you need to decide on, and that is the sort of website you want to have in the first place. While it is true that all of these needs are common knowledge, there is one more item you need to decide on. Learn more about websites and their categories by clicking here: just another developer.
Differences between the two types
For this, you need to choose between a mobile and a full-size website. A mobile website, to put it simply, is a basic one that does not include anything except common features that can be browsed on mobile phones and other similar devices. These websites are built on a smaller layout, which means that the entire outlook is very simple and streamlined, without containing any unnecessary clutter. The content is limited to basics like a logo, a company name, and a menu. This is because a lot of information can cause a great deal of scrolling when browsing on mobile. Most such sites, however, do have a link to the original site in case someone prefers that option. Understandably, a full-size website is quite the opposite. It includes a lot more written content, images, and several more complex features.
Having a mobile version for a full-size site
Most of the time, businesses tend to have a full-size website with a mobile version, and the latter is applied automatically if the website is being accessed on a mobile phone. You can, however, decide whether to get a mobile site only. This web design preference depends on the kind of business you need the website for. If, for example, the website sells mobile phone applications which can be downloaded only, or preferably, through mobile phones directly, it would be a great idea to use a mobile website. Not only would it cost less but it would also provide the convenience needed to access and operate a website through a mobile phone. It also needs to be kept in mind that with the increasing use of smartphones, over 25% of people only use their phones to access the internet. If therefore, your website is mainly aimed at mobile phone users, you do not need to create a full-sized website. Click here web patogh to read in-depth articles about web designing, development, and technology.
As an additional design option for a full-size website, it is feasible to incorporate a mobile version of the website into the design of the website itself. The volume of traffic that is received from mobile phones can be successfully managed, which will enable an informed decision to be made regarding this matter. If a significant number of users access the website using their mobile devices, it is highly likely that a mobile website version will be required to make the website more user-friendly and attract more visitors. If this is the case, the website will also likely need to be optimized for mobile devices.