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DevOps Outsourcing Can Help Solve Lots of Problems

All IT companies dream of creating and releasing a quality product as often as possible by overtaking competitors. The minimum task is to adhere to meet deadlines and create quality products that are good enough so there’s nothing to complain about. All this is possible due to DevOps and we are talking about a special methodology through which software developers and IT specialists are brought together at each stage of product creation. It is the DevOps engineer who is able to competently rally system administrators, testers, programmers, and other experts who are involved in the work. The main goal of a DevOps engineer is to synchronize, optimize, and automate processes, as well as to create an environment that is as close as possible to the actual operating conditions of the final product.

DevOps benefits

  • This solution helps to achieve coordinated work of the team on the project.
  • Moreover, release occurs according to all requirements and promptly.
  • All the processes take a minimum of time.
  • All problems that arise are solved in time and productively.


However, not all IT companies have the opportunity to hire highly qualified specialists because there are not so many of them. That is why there is a need to choose a DevOps outsourcing company.

DevOps tasks on outsourcing

  • Specialists do their best to take care of docker containers.
  • It appears the full involvement of all professionals. Their interaction is guaranteed.
  • All stages of the production process become automated.
  • Emerging problems are solved at the initial stage of the project launch.
  • There is a competent setup of the logging and monitoring system.
  • Service desk, Confluence, Jira, and other services are being implemented.


The specialist is responsible for the DevOps methodology implementation, he also pays a lot of attention to adapting the current IT infrastructure and business requirements.


Curiously, a full-time DevOps specialist gets a high salary, requires expenses for personnel needs, and also often performs fairly similar tasks. Moreover, such an employee ceases to fully see the situation from the outside (due to the duration of immersion in the project) which negatively affects the level of his expertise.


Outsourced DevOps receives financial rewards for certain services and all work is done remotely, thus saving on workplace and other points. Moreover, the MicroDevOps outsourcing company has the necessary experience to support completely different projects. Specialists quickly adapt to current situations and act correctly. They are interested in getting high-quality results and demonstrating themselves only from the best side.

How does everything work?

  • The outsourcer MicroDevOps company starts with auditing because it needs to analyze all the features of implementing DevOps in the IT infrastructure.
  • After that, it provides recommendations and develops a commercial proposal for a potential client.
  • Both parties determine the volume, duration, and composition of the services and also clarify the responsibilities of the parties. 
  • The outsourcer company assigns engineers to the client and they perform all the tasks prescribed in the contract. 
  • The engineer reports to the customer about the work done and the results with time. 


Everything happens according to the most simple and understandable scheme, the customer will not need to dive into complex terms and processes but simply entrust all these processes to specialists.


It should be noted that the Ukrainian MicroDevOps company offers different tariff plans for cooperation, which allow you to achieve your goals with minimal financial costs. It’s possible to compare the conditions and choose the most profitable for your business. The company has completed more than 160 projects and is considered a trusted partner that has been pleased with quality service and profitable terms of cooperation for 13 years. Curiously, cats are totem animals for the company so the website design surprisingly combines aesthetics and a serious professional approach. Thus, anyone who needs the outsourcing services of DevOps engineers can be convinced of this.

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