Terra Group Miami and Sustainability: How David Martin Keeps His Environmental Impact Low
David Martin is the CEO of a development firm in South Florida that has challenged what real estate can be in the Magic City. At Terra Group Miami, the standards and the expectations may be high, but so are the results. Despite the firm’s undeniable success (and a portfolio worth more than $8 billion), its leadership has been committed to the health and welfare of its communities above all else. Martin weighs in on how the company was able to prioritize sustainability and how their actions affect the industry at large.
Martin’s job is to essentially take ownership of the actions the company takes, and he takes his responsibilities seriously. He also sets an example for the other firms around him, which is just one reason why his policies have to reflect the latest scientific discoveries in how global warming is affecting our world. He says that there’s no denying the changes that are taking place all around us. From melting ice to extreme weather events, failing to heed the many warnings is a direct path to much larger disasters down the road.
Terra Group in Miami has to be willing to discount pure profit for a much more important cause. The practices he promotes aren’t just important to his employees and the people who live and work in his buildings. Pollution, particularly when caused by the kinds of large-scale projects that Terra completes, can have ripple effects for life on the polar opposite of the globe. While no firm has a blemish-free record, David Martin at Terra has taken a lot of precautions to keep their impact as low as possible.
His firm operates across different asset classes, and the diversity has taught him a lot of lessons about how real estate firms affect the populations that surround them. Unfortunately, it’s not unusual for the most polluted areas in a city or town to be exposed to additional pollution from ongoing or new developments. The people who would most benefit from more environmentally responsible decisions are the least likely to receive it. This reality can harm everyone in the community and it ultimately deprives people of basic rights like clean air and water.
Real estate might not be the only industry that contributes to global warming but David Martin is the first to acknowledge that its track record is nothing to be proud of. While many developers are beginning to change their ways, there are still plenty who turn their backs on the Earth in favor of their margins. This is partially due to a general lack of innovation. In a profession as complex as construction, it’s easier to stick with processes that have already been proven to work. However, as reasonable as this might seem at face value, it’s clear that people can’t continue to treat our precious resources as disposable.
There are a multitude of reasons why not everyone has followed in Martin’s footsteps. Professionals and leaders might look at sustainability best practices and dismiss them as little more than a fantasy. They might declare that the extra steps (and potentially extra costs) involved would destroy the company from the inside out. Martin wants to show people that this is the wrong way to approach the issue. While it’s undoubtedly more effort, the truth is that no company will survive if they can’t adapt to the changing times.
David Martin stresses the importance of acting locally whenever possible. It’s why he tries to hold everyone at this firm, including vendors and suppliers, accountable for how they treat the planet. Ultimately, he wants everyone to change their idea of sustainability. In many ways, the public still considers it more of a moral decision than a practical one. Martin says that this is far from the case.
Thankfully, sustainability is starting to get more traction, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because the costs have come down considerably over the years. Now, firms can invest in technology like solar power and energy-efficient appliances without having to bump the total cost of development projects into the stratosphere. This doesn’t just make price points more reasonable for buyers, it also offers them further cost savings — they won’t have to pay inflated utility bills. More and more people are now seeking environmentally sustainable buildings to reduce their own carbon footprint and to bring down the costs of maintenance.
Terra Group is known for putting communities first, which means paying strict attention to the quality of the soil, air, and water in the areas in which it operates. If even one element is compromised, the consequences can be severe and far-reaching. (For instance, a contaminant in the soil during a project could easily seep into the larger water supply). Just one mistake and the value of a project can plummet, along with the integrity of the firm that produced it. David Martin is committed to using his resources today, so he doesn’t compromise the future or everyone’s tomorrow.
David Martin of Terra Group Miami
Terra is sometimes best known for its luxury residences, but the truth is that its portfolio includes everything from retail to industrial properties. All the assets under the portfolio embody the principles of Martin, a man who has long tracked what his actions mean for different populations in his home state. Discussing his values when it comes to sustainability is a way for him to articulate just how important it is to make better choices in an industry that is literally helping to shape the landscape of Miami. David Martin Terra considers it the highest honor to use his influence for good and to play a role in keeping South Florida protected from the worst effects of climate change. He might not be able to save the world, but at least he knows he’s doing his part.