Digital currencies have been the latest talk of technological innovations as they continually expand on a daily basis as accepted means of payment by financial institutions, merchants and individuals as well. Some nations have also started introducing cryptocurrencies into their financial structure by coming up with a national cryptocurrency that is affirmed by the government. It is in line with this, that a better and more effective trading platform is required to ensure that transactions conducted in the cryptocurrency markets are conducted in the most effective way possible. A platform has been developed to meet this demand and is regarded as the new generation trading platform. This platform is the Cryzen trading platform.
What is The Cryzen Platform About?
Cryzen trading platform prides itself as a new generation trading platform that aims at providing the cryptocurrency market with something more efficient, more secure than what the market has obtained over the years. This trading platform looks to move in line with the recent developments in technology, and capitalize on these developments to further better trading activities in the crypto markets. On the long run, this platform aims at providing to the global market a much more technologically accepted cryptocurrency ecosystem where trading becomes simplified, while still being transparent and adequately secured. The Cryzen platform is an automated platform, the type that is well needed by the cryptocurrency market considering the expansion it witnesses on a daily basis.
Problems of the Cryptocurrency Market
Due to the widespread acceptance of cryptocurrency across various nations of the globe, and by various financial institutions and platforms, several cryptocurrency trading platforms keep springing up. This increase has brought about healthy competition to the market as many of these trading platforms continually innovate to ensure that they make the best out of the millions of users, traders and issuers who make way into the cryptocurrency ecosystem on a daily basis. These trading platforms have no doubt made trading faster and more effective in the market. However, there are still a few deficiencies virtually all these trading platforms have failed to address. The cryptocurrency market is no doubt lacking what can be called a robust and reliable tool or mediator that can help to enhance algorithm trading. This has largely contributed to the low speed still witness by some trading platforms, and the many cases of hacks and cracks being faced by the market today.
What Role Will Cryzen Play In Addressing These Problems?
As a trading platform, Cryzen not only provides users with a unified access to several exchange platforms, it also allows users to run a quick analysis of an exchange’s previous data through its trading algorithms and allows them to display its outcome on live markets. This platform will also provide to its users python syntax and several easy to deploy algorithms. These algorithms made available to users gives them access to variations in cryptocurrency prices, events and Blockchain activities, thus making the users more immersed in the ecosystem while having a firm grip of their transactions. This will not only enhance the cryptocurrency market in terms of efficiency, there will also be more security of transactions.
The XEN Token
The XEN token is the accepted means of payment on the Cryzen platform and has been credited as one of the first dividend tokens introduced to see to the development of an algorithmic trading system. The fund required to develop this algorithmic trading system is what is referred to as the Zen fund which will be raised from the XEN token sale. The pre-sale of the XEN token ICO going by the platform’s roadmap, is set to be launched in mid-August. It is therefore advisable that users maximize this opportunity to invest in this token as early investment comes at a subsidized rate for the public. When the Zen fund is raised and the algorithmic trading platform project is completed, 40% of profits made will be distributed to the platform’s community.
Cryzen’s Team of Experts
Cryzen is made up of a capable circle of individuals who are very versed technologically and logically have put a lot of effort at the working end of Cryzen to ensure that its vision are attained within the stipulated time frame by coming up with timely innovations that improve the platform as a whole. These individuals are in a group of two, with the first group consisting of the working team while the second team is the advisory board who proffer the best possible advice and recommendations to the working team when taking strategic steps. The working team includes;
- Shuvro Biswas, M.S. – Shuvro is a skilled artificial intelligence technologist, and he doubles as the Chief Executive Officer and the Co-founder of the Cryzen platform.
- Robin Raymond – A researcher and highly experienced technologist who is also on the working team of other technology startups as well. He is the Chief Technology Officer of Cryzen platform.
- Kirill Kanshin – Kirill Kanshin is a data scientist who has conducted several researches on the database of several platforms, and as such bringing a numerous years of experience into the Cryzen platform as the Chief Data Scientist. She is the co-founder alongside Shuvro Biswas.
The second team which is made up of advisors includes;
- Gareth Fenney – A commercial advisor for Cryzen, tasked with the responsibility of proffering the best advice as it relates to the commercial affairs of the platform.
- Greg Harris – the Business and community development advisor of the platform, tasked with the responsibility of providing a feasibility analysis of the platforms present and potential community.
With Cryzen, a new generation trading platform characterized by algorithm trading is possible. With the Zen fund, this platform will be developed and on completion, trading in the cryptocurrency market will be enhanced as users will have unified access to several exchange platforms. With the pre-sale of the XEN token ICO set to run in August, the cryptocurrency ecosystem is opened to an opportunity to invest in this new generation platform, and be sure to enjoy the benefits that come with it.
For more information, visit Cryzen website: