Whether you’re an individual consumer wanting your own credit repair or you run your own credit repair business and have your own clients, a letter of credit dispute should be central to your strategy. And they work.
However, writing the right type of letter for the right circumstances can make or break your success in disputing negative items like debt collection and credit bureau claims.
Where can I get sample letters and how can I use them?
Most of the Credit Repair Softwares have very effective prewritten letter templates for eliminating collections and requests. Using these templates to create a mail-ready dispute letter is simple.
It’s as simple as:
- Import your credit file.
- Select the collection and claim you want to dispute.
- Your dispute letter will be generated instantly, ready to download, print and send.
Getting started is simple, all you need to do is sign up.
What if I want to dispute multiple accounts or requests?
Without Credit Repair Software like DisputeBee, you would most likely have to copy and paste account numbers, account names, and addresses from 7 different browser windows and save the letters in 10 different folders on your desktop.
This has been solved for you by providing an interface that streamlines each step of the process. You can instantly create pre-filled letters with the correct name and account number, and keep track of the letters you’ve submitted.
What does the typical dispute resolution process look like?
To dispute collections, the process is as follows:
- Round 1. Initial Dispute (sent to each bureau).
- Round 1a. Request documents (send to the furnisher).
- Round 2. Follow-up requests (sent to offices that have not removed the item in question).
- Round 3. Follow up with legal language (for the remaining items).
- Round 4. The last round, the intention to insist (last try).
Templates are available for each step of the process, and you won’t have to manually copy and paste anything. Your personal information (or customer’s personal information) such as name, address, SSN, etc.
The letters will be automatically inserted for you so you can download, print, and send them instantly.
Disputing and deleting requests is even easier and usually requires only a letter or two. These are also available.
How can I get started?
If you’re looking for a credit repair letter to argue against inaccurate negatives on your credit report, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s how it works and how to get started:
- Sign up on any Credit Repair Software.
- Import your credit file.
- Select the items you want to dispute and your message will be generated instantly.
- Print the letters and bring them to the post office.
- Done!