Low light imaging is the new technological trend today. A decade ago, people used to carry powerful battery-powered flashes to capture photos in pitch darkness. But, when military technology was made available for civilian use, low light imaging saw new heights. There are two kinds of night vision technology in the market today.
One is image intensifier tubes, and the other is thermal imaging devices. Image intensifier tubes need a very meager amount of photons to produce an image. These devices take in any available light and intensify it manifold to produce a replica image of the subject. Thermal devices, on the other hand, do not work on the light optics principle.
These devices use a sensor to map the heat difference between the subject and the environment. This heat signature difference then produces an image, which is displayed on the screen. Now that we are clear with the basics, here are five common mistakes that people make when buying night vision devices.
Generation mismatch
Imagine buying a flagship smartphone. You would not want to put your money in a phone that was launched three years ago because of huge technological differences. Now night vision technology may not grow at the same pace as smartphones, but there are still blatant differences between different generations.
Generation 0 and generation 1 devices are out of the question in the current scenario. Whereas Generation 2 and Generation 3 have stark quality and performance differences. Generation 3 devices can last up to 15000 hours and have better intensifier technology. If you want to read more about the nuances involved in each generation, visit http://www.agmglobalvision.com/
Getting a wrong device
People treat night vision as a blanket technology. This makes them think that any device that can perform under low light is a night vision device. This is entirely wrong. You cannot buy night vision binoculars when you really have the need for night vision goggles.
Binoculars are not handsfree and are only ideal for spotting and searching. Similarly, people often tend to buy expensive scopes when all they want is to aim during the night.
For this purpose, they can buy much cheaper monoculars, which essentially perform the same function. Therefore, if you get the wrong device for your use, you will have a distorted experience, and you will end up wasting your money.
Getting wrong accessories
When you buy a DSLR camera, you pay keen attention to your work profile and camera compatibility before getting a lens. Similarly, you cannot just adjust any accessory over your night vision device.
First, take note of your regular environment and how much light you usually get. Next, take note of the average range that you have from the subject. Accordingly, you can either invest in an IR illuminator or a magnifier. In any case, consult an industry expert before making a decision.
Buying for restricted use
People have a conventional usage idea for night vision devices. They think that night vision device are only good for hunting and nighttime surveillance. When actually, there is a whole bunch of stuff you can do with it.
You can gaze at stars on a smoggy night or capture sceneries in the low moonlight. You can take your friends on a hike on a no-moon night to see the sunrise early in the morning.
Some freshwater animals come on the water surface at night; you can use the opportunity for river hunting at night. These applications are a few among many. Read about different possibilities and ideas before deciding to buy a device.