
Common Browsing Mistakes to Avoid For a Seamless Experience

Trying to find that one piece of information or that funny cat video you saw last week, you quickly open your browser and search on the Internet. It has become so common, right? However, while browsing may seem like an easy task, it comes with its share of pitfalls. 

We spend hours on the Internet every day, but have you ever thought you might be exposing your data to viruses or hackers? Yes, it can happen. Don’t worry; we are here to discuss some browser hacks for a simple life and common mistakes you can avoid to protect yourself from vulnerability and have a smooth browsing experience. 

1.  Neglecting Updates

How often do those update notifications pop up, and you click “Remind Me Later” faster than you can say “I’ll do it eventually”? Well, updates are not just about new features; they often include crucial security patches and bug fixes. So, the next time your browser nudges you to update, accept it. 

It might seem like a time-consuming task and may hamper your work schedule. However, once you have an updated browser, you will have the ability to complete your work faster than before. Hence, updating your browser is always recommended unless you have any other purpose, such as removing any critical feature with the new update. 

2. Keeping a Mountain of Open Tabs

You open a tab for a recipe, another for news, one for that online shopping spree you are planning, and before you know it, you have more tabs than friends on social media. Having too many tabs open can slow down your browser and heat your device. The only solution is to manage these tabs. Close the ones you don’t need and organize the rest. 

Most of the browsers have a feature called “tab groups.” It’s a minimalistic solution for tab overload. You can categorize tabs by topic and only open the ones you need at a given time. By decluttering tabs, you’ll be able to have a better browsing experience. 

3. Allowing Cookies Without Checking

Websites use cookies to store information like login data and preferences on your computer. Now, you might think cookies are not really bad. Well, you are right. They aren’t harmful, but there’s a catch. 

Cookies also track your online behavior. Hence, you need to keep your privacy intact. To do that, consider allowing first-party cookies (those set by the site you are visiting) and blocking third-party cookies (those set by other domains, like advertising networks). However, some sites, such as online banking, might need those third-party cookies to function correctly. Allow the ones that serve your purpose and deny the rest.

4. Falling for Clickbait

Before you click on that enticing link promising the “Top 10 Unbelievable Things You Won’t Believe”, take a deep breath. There is a possibility that these websites might contain phishing links that can be harmful. It can affect your browsing experience. Verify the source before clicking on any such clickbait titles, and check for information on whether the link you are clicking on is credible or not. It will save you from the disappointment of clicking on a link that you might regret later. 

5. Skipping the Cache Cleanup

You are working on a project and browsing for some information on a particular website; the website suddenly stops working. Does this sound familiar? Well, this might have happened because you forgot to clear your browser cache. 

Basically, the browser cache is where your computer stores files when you download images, fonts, or such things directly from a website. Some browsers have the built-in feature of clearing caches periodically. However, if you want to speed up your browsing experience, you’ll need to clear your cache and delete unwanted files. It will improve the browser’s performance. 

6. Not using VPN

Public Wi-Fi is a playground for hackers, and not using a VPN could easily make you fall victim to them, even ending up losing your valuable data. A Virtual Public Network (VPN) adds a layer of protection to your online activities by hiding your IP address. Many browsers offer VPN extensions to establish a secure connection. Whether you are sipping coffee at a cafe or waiting for your flight at the airport, a VPN saves your confidential data.  

The Bottom Line

Our online experiences are shaped by the choices we make and the habits we develop. You need to be aware of the common mistakes you should avoid while navigating through the online world. It will save you from any potential scams or online threats and will improve your overall browsing experience. 

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