
CoinGeek Conference Zurich Day 3 Closes with a Stimulating Discussion

CoinGeek Conference

On this, the final day of CoinGeek Conference Zurich, we witnessed some great panel discussions and a few exciting and major announcements. Jimmy Nguyen, Founding President of Bitcoin Association kicked off the day with another engaging opening monologue to set the tone for the rest of Day 3.

There is a lot of concern around Bitcoin mining with regards to fuel consumption and the environmental impact it causes. This was addressed in the first-panel discussion of the day. BSV blockchain is the most energy-efficient and emits the least amount of CO2 compared to all other blockchains. This is huge because we already know BSV is the only scalable blockchain and we now know it will have a sustainable future.


Other important and informational panel discussions and presentations throughout the day included “Digital Technology and the Future of Banking & Financial Services”, “BSV Blockchain and China”, and “Building Business Applications on BSV: How to get Started”. Each of these as well as the rest of the discussions that took place merit taking a look if you were not able to view them live.

Perhaps the most anticipated part of Day 3 was the panel discussion between Dr. Craig S. Wright -Bitcoin inventor and Chief Scientist at nChain, Ian Grigg – Financial Cryptologist, Nouriel Roubini – Professor of Economics, and Nassim Taleb – Former Trader and Best-Selling Author. The topic for discussion was “Bitcoin and Digital Assets – Where Should Real Value Come From”. Each of these individuals are known to speak their minds and hold nothing back, so it was an unknown how they would interact.  

Each of the panelists gave their input and responded to questions posed by Jimmy Nguyen, the moderator. While they didn’t necessarily agree completely, each respected the other and had some takeaways for examining their positions and perhaps rethinking a portion of their understanding of BSV value. Of course, Dr. Wright took the opportunity as he does, to state that BSV is the only Bitcoin.

“BTC isn’t Bitcoin. BTC is nothing like Bitcoin. Read the white paper, you’ll see there is this other thing that if I take a database, I pass off and call it the same thing. It doesn’t work that way. There is one Bitcoin, it hasn’t changed. The rules are fixed,” said Wright.

Ending the day Jimmy closed the conference by dropping the location for the next CoinGeek Conference. “I like big blocks and I like big apples,” said Nguyen. Looks like we will all be heading to New York City this coming October to witness more great things with BSV. If you can’t make the trek in person, you can always join and interact via live stream.

We are BSV! Are you?

Author: Chuck Owens

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