Once again Jimmy Nguyen, Founding President of Bitcoin Association, opened day 2 of CoinGeek Conference Zurich with another impactful speech. After recapping some of the day 1 highlights, he set the stage for what was to follow throughout the remainder of the day.
Kicking off the panel discussions for Day 2 was a group focusing on the groundbreaking creation of the world’s first national digital ledger on the BSV blockchain. Included in the discussion were Simit Naik (Director of Commercial and Strategy, nChain), George Siosi Samuels (Managing Director, Faiā), Brendan Lee (Founder Elas Digital), and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Justice, and Communications for the country of Tuvalu, Simon Kofe. Elas Digital, has been working closely with Simon and the Tuvaluan government to develop systems that could ultimately be applied on a global scale using blockchain. The primary goal is to completely digitize all existing processes and have them function in a space that is accessible to everyone with access. Data can be placed on the platform and accessed by government run offices and those individuals with the proper authorizations.
“It’s going to be a bit of an eye opener to other people who are going to be looking in at just what’s possible when you use Bitcoin in this way”, said Brendan Lee.
Moving further into the day, a number of other key topics were discussed, all of which had some focus on data and the use of the BSV blockchain and why it makes sense to build on it. This is the only blockchain that was built for that purpose as opposed to being a currency and a place for criminals to hide and launder assets. BSV was built as an honest and transparent blockchain.
What’s important to note is that there are more than just one or two organizations that could benefit from the use of blockchain technology. Just as BSV is geared for exponential scaling, the types of organizations are also limitless. Everything from healthcare, iGaming, eSports, digital asset trading, government and legal policy, academics and IT to name a handful. This list goes on and on.
Bitcoin inventor Dr. Craig S. Wright finished the day with his keynote speech that was simply titled “How Bitcoin Will Change the Future of Data & Empower Everyone”. In his impassioned speech he talked about several key points on data. First, Craig spoke of the speed and scalability of BSV and reaching the 100,000 transactions per second already. His expectation is to get the platform to where it is reaching speeds for transactions to 1,000,000,000 per second. Probably the most powerful words came as he spoke of destroying platforms such as Twitter and Facebook for controlling everyone’s personal data that use them.
“They own you. They prostitute you for your data. We’re going to give your data back. In the next four years we’re going to give you the foundation so that there will never be a Twitter again. Ever. There won’t be a Facebook. We’re going to destroy their business model,” said Dr. Craig Wright.
Ultimately, as Wright sees it, everyone will own their data, decide where it will be used, and receive compensation for it if they want. You will be able to leave a platform if you choose and all of your data will move with you.
Author: Chuck Owens