Emergency procedures; a sudden illness in the family; unexpected car troubles; the list is endless when one imagines the various circumstances life...
The world has been continually becoming a more competitive place to carry out business. This will only continue to be so as...
Debit cards are used to pay for goods and to withdraw money from cash machines where the money is automatically deducted from...
Many people are doing everything they possibly can to achieve ever-elusive financial freedom. Needless to say, no one can achieve financial freedom...
Yes, there could be the issue of preference and taste. But these will be in the list of top 10 products which...
There is a narrative in technology that is not in the public gallery enough and it is the growth of startups in...
Fintech is becoming more ubiquitous in current financial media. Though financial technology has been a common term in the trading world for...
This year has seen great advancement in financial technology– digital means of offering financial services in a more useful, more convenient, and...
Fintech brings numerous opportunities to change how customers access financial services and products. Because of the nature of the services provided, it...
Fintech is the short form of financial technology, a ‘portmanteau’ of two words namely “Finance” and “Technology”. Put differently; it describes the...
As articulated by the Vice President of Seafoodscorporation, a prominent human resources business partner, “It is time for companies to invest in...
Denis Korotkov-Koganovich, a collector, and the visionary behind Oracle Capital Group, has made a name for himself when it comes to managing...