
Bitrue Continues Holistic Support for Flare Network After 9th January TDE

In an announcement dated 21st of October 2022, Flare Network has confirmed the Flare Token Distribution Event for 9th January 2023. Bitrue always has extended support for the Flare Community and trusts in the future of its novel technology. Bitrue has been providing the most holistic support for the Flare Community on the exchange since its inception as an exchange partner.

Two years ago, Bitrue was the first exchange to complete $FLR distribution in the form of IOUs, as well as open and support trading for $FLR in the form of IOUs. Following that, Bitrue opened XRP and USDT trading pairs for $FLR. As one of Flare Network’s earliest proponents, Bitrue currently has the highest spot trading volume and liquidity for $FLR as a result. In addition, Bitrue also supports the test network Songbird ($SGB) for the Flare blockchain.

Having completed a significant milestone when it reached its decentralization requirement for token distribution, Flare Network now has sufficient independent validators on Flare to ensure decentralization and security. On the 9th of January 2023, Bitrue will hence commence immediate support for $FLR deposits and withdrawals upon commencement of the Flare Token Distribution Event. 

Bitrue is currently in the works of laying down the pipework to accommodate the Flare Time Series Oracle (FTSO). In addition to the full extent of support, Bitrue will be providing for $FLR, the Flare Community can enjoy high liquidity, and numerous $FLR token staking options will also be enabled on Bitrue soon after the Flare Token Distribution Event. 

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