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Bill Schantz Explains Why Life Insurance Quotes Can Differ

Despite being a crucial component of financial planning, life insurance can be confusing. Choosing the best option for your family and loved ones can make all the difference in the world. Your life insurance quote, however, will depend on a few important variables. Bill Schantz sheds light on some of them here.

Bill Schantz Underlines the Factors That Affect an Insurance Quote

No two individuals are the same especially in the eyes of insurance service providers. After all, they are businesses that need to look at revenues and profitability. This is why the following factors can have an impact on the quote that they offer:


Bill Schantz claims that one of the key elements influencing your life insurance price is your age. Your insurance premiums will be less expensive the younger you are. Younger people are healthier and have a lesser danger of passing away, thus this is the case.

After college, for instance, you might not feel the need for life insurance or you might believe that you don’t have enough money to pay for a policy. Still, it’s crucial to take your needs into account at every stage of life because life insurance can be surprisingly inexpensive.


Another element that influences your life insurance quote is gender. Since they live shorter lives than women, men typically pay greater rates. Bill Schantz wants to be clear that this does not imply that men should not purchase life insurance. Even if it’s just a little policy to cover last costs, everyone should obtain some kind of life insurance.

A woman can expect to live for roughly 84 years on average. This indicates that women have a lower risk of dying and tend to live longer than men.

Medical Background Is a Critical Evaluation Factor per Bill Schantz

Undoubtedly, one of the factors that will have the biggest impact on your life insurance premium is your medical history. Your premiums may increase if you are deemed to be a higher risk due to a history of health issues.

However, if you’re in good health and don’t have any serious illnesses, your premium will generally be reduced. This is so that your coverage won’t cost the insurer as much money and you’ll be less likely to pass away.

Smokers and people who consume excessive alcohol have a higher probability of dying, thus their life insurance premiums are more expensive. Smokers can still purchase life insurance, but the premiums will be higher. If you give up smoking for at least a year prior to registering for coverage, you might be eligible for a discount on your rates. This is due to the fact that quitting smoking will automatically lower your chance of death.


According to Bill Schantz, these are only a few things that will influence your life insurance quote. It is crucial to evaluate quotes provided by various businesses. There are numerous life insurance providers, and they all have varying prices.

It’s crucial to compare quotes side by side. Make sure the policies you are evaluating offer the same coverage and features.


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