Can you imagine facing a life of formidable obstacles, let alone overcoming them all? Does it seem impossible? The truth is, people like best-selling author and life coach Terrance McMahon prove on a daily basis that you can bounce back by taking charge of your own life. Each day, this powerhouse of knowledge and inspiration helps millions of people around the world to rise above the challenges life throws their way.
McMahon knows exactly how difficult it is to rise above challenges. He has experienced firsthand, some of the most challenging obstacles life can throw at a person. And he has risen above them all! Among his most challenging experiences was a bout of illness, which led to him receiving a lifesaving liver transplant in 2017. These firsthand experiences are part of the reason his life improvement influence has become so powerful.
The Amazon #1 bestselling author has published several books designed to inspire a positive drive in readers, and each has experienced significant success. His bestseller ‘Super Hero Self – How to Recover From Anything,’ shot to number one on Amazon’s lists within a short time. Readers have been lauding his genius work in this manuscript as he weaves inspirational gems together in a manner that prods the reader to act in their own best interests. Another awesome performer on Amazon is his book ‘Recreate Yourself in Life Business and in Brand.’
His track record in the financial world is a strong indicator that McMahon has the golden touch. He spent over a decade leading the finance company Mass Mutual to the zenith of success, earning the title of finance guru in the process.
Terrance McMahon is currently based in Florida, but he is a son of the Massachusetts soil, having been born into a family of 6 children in Pittsfield’s Berkshire Mountains. His academic pursuits took him to the University of Massachusetts-Lowell as well as the University of Alabama.
With over thirty years of stellar experience in the corporate world, specifically finance, McMahon has acquired a wealth of knowledge which he passes on to his mentees. His professional career includes a 10-year tenure at New England Financial (1997-2007), where he worked as a general agent and CEO. He also served at Mass Mutual, where he carried out the duties of a general agent for ten years and nine months before being promoted to CEO, a position he held for further eleven years.
His podcast, ‘Your Voice to the World’, has been capturing the attention of millions of people and, as a result, has been garnering thousands of new committed audience members weekly. The podcast is published through a YouTube channel for the same name, which currently boasts over 280,000 subscribers and attracts millions of views on a daily basis.
He is also a motivator business strategist and speaks in this regard at corporate and social events and has grown into a much sought after headliner at such events.
Millions of people who are seeking guidance on their journey to long term success are flocking to his platforms for advice, mentoring, and consultation.