
Best Blockchain Games in 2023

If you’re looking to play a new blockchain game, there are several options to choose from. You can choose from a variety of genres and themes, so you’re sure to find one that interests you.

There are currently hundreds of “crypto games” with which you can earn crypto. These games use the blockchain to store your cryptocurrency and make it available to you at any time.


Chainers is a groundbreaking venture to develop an NFT-driven virtual universe based on blockchain technology through Polygon. Here, players will be the ones who shape this simulated world according to their actions and choices. This level of engagement is what makes Chainers stand out from other projects in the space.

Chainers seeks to create a metaverse game with its dynamic DAO that is powered by all community members. Chainers lets you create an alternate reality where your imagination is the only limitation. Immersive yourself in a wide selection of virtual worlds, gain rewards by competing in games and even construct your own portfolio of NFTs.

The Chainers game is legit. They have an official website and although their team is non-doxxed (meaning there isn’t a lot of information about the team members publicly available), their project has received coverage from several top publications and influencers.

Chainers is a team of passionate, inventive, and knowledgeable individuals when it comes to web3 gaming according to the website. Web3 enables the democratization of the gaming industry, allowing anyone to participate and make their own decisions.


Calvaria is a pioneering blockchain project that combines NFTs and Play-to-Earn (P2E) gameplay in a way no other game has done before. Unlike traditional P2E games, which require players to buy tokens in order to progress in the game, Calvaria offers NFTs to players upon registration.

These NFTs can be traded in the peer-to-peer marketplace for more powerful or strategically vital cards. This gives players a built-in incentive to craft decks filled with rare NFT cards, which are then tradable in the in-house marketplace.

The RIA token is the game’s primary currency, and players earn eRIA by winning battles. This is used to pay for in-game items and services, as well as the cost of staking, the development of new games, and other ecosystem activities.

In addition, the RIA token allows gamers to stake their tokens on the Calvaria DAO, which provides them with a say in the future development of the project. These staking votes are the basis for a voting system that ensures gamers have a fair say in how the game develops.

Moreover, the RIA token is an ICO-approved ERC-20 token that is designed to provide a stable and secure economy for the game. It also enables players to own and control the in-game assets and resources they’ve acquired through their efforts.

Another great feature of the RIA token is that it is designed to be both immutable and easily tradable, making it an excellent option for consumers looking for a safe and easy way to exchange digital goods in the gaming world. It’s also compatible with popular wallets, such as MetaMask and Trust Wallet.

Finally, the RIA token is a high-demand asset in the crypto market and has received significant attention from investors. The project has raised over $2.4 million through its presale phase and has a max supply of 1 billion tokens.

Calvaria’s upcoming battle card game, Duels of Eternity, is set in the afterlife and features three factions with different strengths and capabilities. Each faction has its own unique character and aesthetic, which makes the game stand out from its competitors. The game’s plot and scenery also make it appealing to non-blockchain gamers.

The Sandbox

The Sandbox is a blockchain-based virtual metaverse that allows players to play, build, and monetize their gaming experiences. Originally developed as a mobile game by Pixowl, it was purchased by Animoca Brands and incorporated a Voxel-style blockchain algorithm into the game in 2018.

The game is designed to merge the world of gaming with decentralized finance (DeFi) within its highly interactive ecosystem. It is a groundbreaking platform that has successfully introduced the use of blockchain technology in a unique way, and it also demonstrates the potential that this new sector has to change the industry.

One of the most appealing aspects of The Sandbox is that it allows users to monetize their created assets in the blockchain. This enables them to sell their voxel-based creations and earn SAND tokens, which are used in the game. In addition to that, the game allows them to buy permanent in-game LAND plots, which they can then use for structures and games.

Another exciting aspect of The Sandbox is that it uses NFTs to power its system, which is different from other games that are based on the Ethereum blockchain. NFTs are essentially cryptos that act as indivisible units, allowing players to trade and transfer them freely within the game.

This is a great feature, as it makes the game more user-friendly. It also helps to reduce the risk of theft and fraud.

The Sandbox also offers a secure environment for testing new code and features, as it isolates untested code from up and running applications. This gives admins and developers the freedom to work without worrying about compromising production orgs or accidentally deleting important files.

Additionally, the sandboxes can be configured to run in parallel with other programs and services, which can help to increase productivity and make it easier for admins to manage the sandbox environment. This can be especially helpful for large organizations, as it can help to protect the sandbox from being interrupted by other processes and services that need to be run in parallel.

As a result, it’s easy to see why sandboxes are becoming more popular. They offer a safe environment for testing and innovation that can be easily integrated into production orgs. In addition, they can be a good investment for businesses looking to protect their systems and infrastructures.

Dark Forest

Dark Forest, a decentralized game that combines RPG and survival horror elements, is currently available on Steam Early Access. This top-down horror game takes place in a surreal forest that will make you question your sanity.

The world of Dark Forest is a strange and inhuman place, but its beauty is what makes it stand out among the many blockchain games on the market today. Like many other blockchain gaming platforms, it encourages play-to-earn mechanics, which allows players to earn crypto tokens and other nonfungible tokens (NFTs) by building their own digital worlds.

This system can make it easier for players to build a world that they enjoy, while also providing an easy way for developers to track the progress of players’ games. However, there are some downsides to using this system, as it may be hard to attract new players and keep the existing ones engaged in the game.

First, the Ethereum network has a slow transaction execution speed, which can be a major hindrance when it comes to playing blockchain games. This makes it difficult for players to move quickly around the platform, and can often lead to frustrating gameplay experiences.

Additionally, hackers are increasingly targeting blockchain-based gaming platforms, which can lead to security breaches and the theft of player assets. This is especially true when it comes to personal crypto tokens or Ethereum addresses that are stored on these platforms.

Fortunately, there are a few ways that gamers can avoid these issues, including using a secure wallet that uses an escrow system to store and verify their transactions. It’s also a good idea to buy cryptocurrency using an exchange that offers high trading volume and low fees.

One of the most interesting aspects of Dark Forest is its “digital physics.” Glibert calls it “a sort of metaverse,” a shared virtual world that runs on decentralized blockchains. The concept isn’t entirely new, but what’s novel about it is that it allows users to build a world that’s completely their own–one that could evolve over time, or even go extinct.

It’s a fascinating concept that could lead to a new way of interacting with the real world, and it’s something that players have already begun to explore. Some players are using Dark Forest’s digital physics to create in-game marketplaces, tools that automate game functions, and even bots that play the game themselves. It’s all possible because of the blockchain technology that underpins the system, and it has encouraged some innovative ways to earn cryptocurrencies within the game.

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