You could develop a great product, but it won’t succeed without downloads. This is where app marketing comes in handy. Implementing effective strategies allows businesses to increase their brand awareness, establish better communication with users, and generate higher ROI.
Why does App Marketing Matter?
With over 6 billion mobile users and 34 million application developers and app marketing companies, it’s not surprising that this industry is thriving. Since the competition is fierce, every brand launching an app needs to have a well-thought-out marketing strategy. The main purpose is to attract, engage, and retain the largest possible number of users. App marketing consists of the following steps:
- Exposure. This stage includes introducing your product to its potential users.
- Consideration. It’s about engaging people with marketing messages, highlighting the value and advantages of your app.
- Conversion. It involves motivating your potential clients to use your application.
- Customer relationship. This step implies listening to your customers and responding to their feedback.
- Retention. It includes providing an excellent user experience, new content, and features.
One of the most popular advertising strategies is Pay-per-click. PPC management companies ensure that the right ads are shown to the right people, within a given budget. Here are some strategies that prove to be efficient:
Identify your prospects
It’s essential to identify your potential customers, and how and where to find them. You should have an understanding of their needs and how your app can improve their lives. To learn more about your prospects, you can conduct online surveys, and do research on social media and forums. Using such platforms as Google Trends, Sensor Tower, and Statista may help find relevant statistics, industry studies, and consumer survey results.
Research your competitors
Competitive research includes identifying your competitors, and their business models and analyzing their online presence, strengths, and weaknesses. It helps understand how you can improve your products and your marketing strategy.
To collect information, you can read online reviews and use such tools as App Radar, App Annie, and Sensor Tower. This will allow you to evaluate their app’s performance and determine their ranking.
Build online presence
Establishing an online presence helps increase credibility and build relationships with your customers. Creating a quality website and social media accounts will provide users with client support and complete information about your product. You may implement a robust SEO strategy for your site and do link-building. Determining the right keywords and acquiring backlinks will generate more long-term organic traffic. Also, create a demo video and upload it to your website, YouTube, and other platforms.
Increase app store visibility
App store optimization helps improve visibility and increase app conversion rates to receive more downloads. It’s essential to write a comprehensive product description, select the right category, localize your app listing, and do keyword research to ensure it gets discovered by its potential users. You may add high-quality videos and screenshots.
Work with influencers
According to statistics, 49% of users download an app because it’s recommended by those they trust and follow online. Firstly, find the right influencer that has lots of active subscribers. This person should be a good fit for your niche. Make an offer and explain why you want to work with them. It’s better to look for trustworthy influencers across multiple platforms.
Make use of affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing implies working with external partners to attract potential leads. In return, you offer a commission for every download they encourage.
Reach out to bloggers that rank high in SERPs
Working with people that rank high in search results is beneficial if you want to be found online. You can email everyone you see in top results and introduce your product.
Get reviews
Having fewer reviews can do more harm than not-so-positive feedback. You may use pop-up messages, emails, and personal outreach to encourage people to leave a review. If you have a game application, provide users with additional rewards for reviewing. Improve the quality of your customer service if needed. If you quickly resolve any issues, your clients will leave a good review.
Make it easy to share
Over 92% of users trust recommendations from their family and friends. Consider including a referral program in your marketing strategy. Make it easy for your users to share. The sharing functionality can be embedded right in your application. Integration with Whatsapp, Hangouts and other messages will allow people to share your app over text messages.
Launch retention campaigns
Retaining customers can be a challenging task. Marketing experts use push notifications, email marketing, and in-app messaging to re-engage with them. Make sure to use feedback and improve your product over time.