Finance News

Benefits of a Monthly Budget


It’s no secret that many companies and individuals alike favor a yearly budget, and what’s there not to like? You do it once and get this massive hurdle off your shoulders. But does the yearly budget really allow adjusting it to the ever-changing financial market? Let’s check the facts and uncover the truth behind different types of budget planning. After all, the devil’s in the detail, as they say.

Young companies tend to plan everything at once on a yearly scale. It might sound convenient, but in fact, it causes a lot of missed opportunities. They work strictly according to the annual budget, without adjusting it to the constantly changing market. A few months of work according to the annual budget is enough to understand the inefficiency of such planning.

It’s impossible to accurately predict the sales rate for each item, especially for companies with an extensive range of products. You can compensate for losses using professional services like invoice finance brokers abc finance. Nevertheless, combining services like this with a proper monthly budget will grant you the best result. Let’s find out more about the monthly budget.

What is a monthly budget?

A monthly budget is a detailed operational plan of your company’s activities for the month, presented as a system of interrelated source and result tables. You should compile it based on your annual budget with deeper detail of the planned data for the year. A monthly detailed action plan is obviously easier to make than an annual one. So it should be as detailed as possible (within reasonable limits). For example, you can plan the sales budget for the entire range of products, as well as for the main customers of your company. Under the sales budget, you can calculate and send the purchase budget for the entire range to suppliers to avoid the risk of supply disruption.

You should determine your main goals for the budget to set the time interval for the monthly one. If the main goal of monthly budgeting is efficient warehouse management, and if sales fluctuate significantly during the month, you might consider developing budgets weekly or daily. The budget for the whole month is best for companies with a stable sales volume during the month (approximately equal shipments per week).

The main goals of a monthly budget

  • Clarification and correction of the data of the annual budget;
  • Cost management – spending money based on planned values;
  • Control over the timely receipt of money;
  • Foreseeing the need for short-term financing in the case of a shortage of funds, including services like invoice finance brokers abc finance;
  • Efficient management of order fulfillment and capacity utilization;
  • Inventory optimization – storing only goods that are planned to be used in production in the budget month;
  • Effective procurement management – ordering only the needed production materials & timely delivery;
  • Employees’ motivation – encouragement for implementing the plan and penalty for failure.

To sum up: 

A monthly budget is all about business flexibility. Management based solely on an annual budget is an unnecessarily complicated path of planning. The result is a cumbersome, inflexible system that’s difficult to adjust and analyze. It becomes almost impossible to control the execution of budgets since it requires a significant investment of time. In addition, by focusing all of your efforts on meeting the annual plan without adjusting for changing external conditions, your company may miss out on additional opportunities that were not foreseen in the annual budget.

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