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Beginner tips for playing guitar in seven days


Learning how to play guitar is easier done than said! With these tips, you can learn to play guitar with expertise and avoid common errors.

To learn to play the guitar is no rocket science, all that is required is just a certain mindset. The following tips will help the reader attain that mindset approach to learning tactically. They will apply in all situations, whether one is playing acoustic or electronic, rock or jazz, and classical or heavy metal.


Systematic learning

A good music teacher offers valuable feedback to help students avoid a beginner’s common mistakes. However, there is no doubt that some brilliant guitar players are self-taught. Thus, learning art by oneself is possible, but the systematic practice is needed if you wish to learn fast enough without developing bad habits. Even if there is no teacher, there must be a well-structured routine to reach a high skill level.

Although the superior goal is to play songs, the key to reaching that goal is to develop motor skills and build proper technique first. What and how to practice is the real question. Though this sounds daunting, you can learn to play guitar with Muse Mantra School of Music & Arts.



Patience and diligence are key to learning any art form. Practicing it for 20 minutes 3 to 5 days a week guarantees quick progress. While learning guitar, commitment in the long journey is needed, and capability as a player grows in leaps and bounds.


Practicing scales earlier than chords

When beginning chords first, it might get challenging to synchronize multiple fingers at once, whereas when starting with scales, only one finger helps at a time. Since chords are snippets of scales, it’s easier to start chords as the brain already knows the specific positions. As a result, learning and executing chords is faster.

The minor pentatonic scale is the first thing teachers teach in any good music school. It will be familiar territory when learning classic rock solos as you already know the shapes. It is wiser to start with pentatonic scales; first, it is easy to learn.



A good player is not made only by playing songs exclusively in the long run. Training fine motor skills and building techniques is pivotal in becoming a good guitarist, but this is only half the trick. You need to practice what is learned. Backing tracks are a popular way to achieve this as they help improve technique, tone, scale knowledge, and a sense of rhythm. An excellent complementary strategy is learning how to play various patterns and songs. Slowing down and simplifying are also especially helpful.

You must remember to look back and appreciate how far you have come. Every player hits a deadlock at some point. It is essential to sit back, relax and play what you enjoy so that the sound is enjoyable.

However, your only mission should not be chasing tone; instead, you should repeatedly find something you want to play. Once you practice dedicatedly, you will surely become a professional.

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