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Balancing Act: Incorporating Outside Sources Without Plagiarizing

When pursuing a subject-study, we tend to engage in ‘dialogs’ or sorts; listening or reading other’s perspectives and then reflecting on them from our viewpoints. Once we determine the potentially correct context, we establish our stance. However, it is also crucial to acknowledge other’s views whenever using their texts. After all, if you didn’t come up with those thoughts, you must tell the audience who did. It is what makes research papers distinguishable from any other paper. Your words must mirror your analysis alongside like-minded scholars and exponents. Also, your used sources must support the thesis (the main points), whether in agreeable or otherwise. You should focus on all facets of the thesis to strengthen your stance. Through paraphrasing, quoting, and text-citing works of various authors, you can also add authoritative support to your writing. In doing so, you also save yourself from unwanted plagiarism headaches.

Many students take the easier option and turn to notable sites like MyAssignmentHelp to hire a plagiarism-free essay writer. Their experts’ panel is exclusive and comprises know-how on 100+ subject disciplines. Plus, they know how to avert plagiarism and share their insights with help-seeking students.

Above all, the platform also delivers 360-degree guidance and mentoring on compiling all assignment facets. Such dedicated assistance from the above platform has allowed countless students to deliver top-quality assignments on tight due dates. 

Whether you need writing sources, topic explanations or essay edit help, you will always find an expert readily available to come to your rescue whenever requested.  

Let’s Recap on What We Understand by Plagiarism! 

It means using someone’ else work as one’s own without crediting the actual author/researcher. Plagiarism typically happens due to forgetfulness or carelessness (or both)! When you write a lengthy research paper, you are supposed to create something new by reflecting upon other’s work and referring to authentic sources to learn and collect evidence. But since plagiarism is such a common occurrence, using these sources in the text can help you evade it. 

Some Plagiarism Evasion Techniques

  • Keep track of all used sources.
  • Paraphrase using your words and add quotations for direct texts /phrases. 
  • Credit the actual author/researcher via in-text citations and a reference list.
  • Scan for plagiarism 2-3 times. Freshly re-text copied sections. Download the report.
  • Also, check using an AI-detector.

Avoiding Plagiarism During Quoting

Quoting is copying some text word by word. The text must be presented in your words in quotation marks and accurately attributed to the original author. 

Example –

Original text –

“Arts and culture flourished in the ’20s as a shared American pop culture emerged thanks to the advent of radio broadcasting, widely circulated magazines and movies” (Thulin, 2021).

Correctly Quoted –

In the 1920s, “arts and culture flourished” in the US due to “the advent of radio broadcasting, widely circulated magazines and movies” (Thulin, 2021).

 For long quotations, you should format them as block quotes. However, for too lengthy text, it’s best to rewrite. 

Evading Plagiarism When Paraphrasing

Paraphrasing means using your words to retell something from some source. It doesn’t mean tweaking some words from pasted content. For properly paraphrasing, read it first to understand its context. Understand what the author is indicating, then rewrite the entire thing in your communication style. 

Note – You can try using a free online paraphrasing tool to get an idea of how paraphrased content should look. But only use the results for reference purposes. You must aim to compile the paper using your words. [Refer to examples].

Source Citing – What’s Important! 

Whenever you paraphrase or quote information, always incorporate footnote citations precisely crediting the author. Each included citation must complement the entire reference list/bibliography. Doing so acknowledges the information source, helps readers identify where it came from, and do further research and avoid plagiarism.

Citations can be of various styles – Chicago, MLA, APA, Harvard, Vancouver, etc. For every paper, the course instructor shares the precise style to follow for the paper. Whatever the style, it should appear consistent all through the paper. If you are quoting multiple sources in a sentence, cite them separately so make it clear which source came from where. 

If you aren’t sure about your citation and referencing skills, watch tutorial videos from college/university online libraries or resource databases. You will also find several PDFs, articles and blogs on source citing and referencing. Additionally, you can also turn to online assignment help experts with sound knowledge of all citation and referencing styles. They will share all insights upon hire. 

What to Watch Out For?

  • Refrain from over-quoting. 
  • Don’t quote the whole paragraph; use ellipses to demote excluded texts. 
  • Check the word limit for quotation lengths. Some professors specify restrictions. 
  • Don’t use floating quotes without an introduction or context. 
  • If some sentence is proving to challenging to paraphrase, enclose it in quotes.

Other Crucial Guidelines Incorporating Outside Sources

Here are more crucial guidelines when including a source for your research study. 

  • Always add an introductory phrase to the source – include the author’s date and related information.
  • Source materials in clear and correctly sequenced citation style – both direct and paraphrased quotes. Double-check the sequence, capitalization, punctuation, etc.
  • Only use authentic sources from Google Scholar, university websites, academic journals, and government websites. 

Why Incorporating Source Citations Is Crucial for Research Paper/Academic Writing?

Worthy acknowledgment of research sources will appear as a no-brainer, and indeed it is, to a scientist/researcher. In 1975, the great Sir Isaac Newton famous words in a letter to Robert Hooke– “If I have seen further, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants,”  

Yet, there are far too many instances where the author’s credit isn’t given where due, mostly among the general public! The above words from the legend himself serve as a reminder that even the most accomplished of researchers and exponents depend on the wisdom of their forebears. 

With increasing issues pertaining to citations, academic deceitfulness, and plagiarism pitfalls, you must understand that adding source citations is significant for academic writing.

Here are some noteworthy reasons.

  • Adds your credibility as a research scholar or scientist.
  • Allows better verification of your research work.
  • A detailed bibliography reveals your extensive scientific/field-centric know-how.
  • Adequate citation habits turn to into a self-sufficient researcher and academic writer.
  • It helps avoid plagiarism and attributes as a fact-checking medium. 

Final Verdict!

Follow the suggestions mentioned above when incorporating outside sources into your work. Of course, seek help online if you get stuck or need additional guidance. 

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