
Azul Stands Firm with Enterprise-Ready OpenJDK Migration Solution Amidst Oracle’s Licensing Debacle

Azul Stands Firm with Enterprise-Ready OpenJDK Migration Solution

You may or may not have heard, but a recent shift in how Oracle licenses and prices Java has caused quite a stir among businesses and left many enterprises facing challenges. In the middle of all this confusion, Azul, a leading name in the Java world, has come up with a helpful tool: OpenJDK Migration for Dummies. This guidebook is intended to help businesses easily switch to Oracle Java alternatives, especially those struggling with licensing and pricing concerns or currently undertaking an Oracle-prompted Java audit. 

Is this something you are currently struggling with? Keep reading to learn more about Azul, what they stand for, and how the OpenJDK Migration for Dummies guidebook can help businesses work through the challenges of migrating to Oracle Java alternatives and selecting a trusted, best-of-breed support provider. 

Redefining Java’s Role in the Cloud Enterprise

The digital era is undeniably Java-centric. And with a pedigree rooted in an unwavering commitment to Java, Azul stands tall, boasting impressive credentials. Serving 100% of the world’s top 10 trading companies, influencing 50% of Forbes’ top 10 most valuable brands, and supporting 35% of the Fortune 100, Azul’s reach is undeniable. 

Why does the world trust Azul? The answer is two-fold. Firstly, Azul’s belief in Java’s unparalleled potential to unlock business success is contagious. Secondly, their dedication to fostering a community that demands more from Java – be it in capabilities, performance, or security – is unparalleled. And their goal? To ensure that Java remains at the heart of every cloud enterprise, advancing its significance through innovative OpenJDK projects and collaborative community leadership.

With a global footprint, including a presence in 14 countries and channel partnerships spanning 88 nations, Azul is the embodiment of Java’s international appeal. So, it’s no surprise that it remains the largest company singularly focused on Java, second only to Oracle in terms of its Java engineering prowess.

OpenJDK Migration for Dummies: Azul’s Answer to Oracle’s Challenge

In light of Oracle’s recent shifts in Java licensing and pricing, many enterprises found themselves at a crossroads. Recognizing this challenge and staying true to its dedication to the Java community, Azul has stepped up with the “OpenJDK Migration for Dummies” guidebook, released on August 1st. This all-encompassing manual is bound to become an essential tool for application owners, IT professionals, and engineers seeking alternative Java solutions. In addition to the guidebook, Azul has also curated an online OpenJDK Migration learning hub with a growing collection of tools and templates.

And don’t worry! The guidebook and learning hub aren’t a knee-jerk response. Instead, they reflect  Azul’s deep knowledge of the Java landscape. Moreover, they  promote a well-thought-out three-step migration plan, designed to minimize risks and maximize benefits for those contemplating a transition.

Why This Guidebook Is Essential

As Java’s licensing rules keep evolving, businesses and tech professionals are grappling with  dilemmas and unanswered questions. Enter Simon Ritter’s guidebook, an absolute game-changer in this climate. Ritter isn’t just any expert; he’s a Java Champion and an integral part of the Java SE JSR Expert Group. 

What’s more, as Azul’s Deputy CTO, he’s at the forefront of Java trends and shifts. This combination ensures that the guidebook is infused with decades of rich Java experience, providing both clarity and actionable strategies.

But why does this guidebook stand out? Because it isn’t merely about the nuts and bolts of migration. Instead, it’s a holistic resource that considers the future of Java, potential challenges on the horizon, and best practices to ensure optimal performance. 

Furthermore, for those seeking to delve deeper into Java’s nuances and to understand the implications of licensing changes, Ritter’s insights are invaluable. They offer a comprehensive view of the current landscape, shedding light on  its complexities and opportunities. This makes the guidebook not just a manual but a strategic asset that every enterprise should consider in its toolkit.

Why Partner with Azul?

Choosing the right partner in today’s dynamic tech landscape can be pivotal to a business’s success. With Java at the cornerstone of many enterprises, the choice becomes even more critical. Here’s why Azul stands out as the partner of choice:

Global Perspective with Local Insights

With offices spread across the world, Azul has a finger on the global tech pulse. But their strength doesn’t stop at a wide reach; they delve deep into local markets to understand their unique  challenges. By partnering with Azul, businesses gain access to insights molded by global trends yet refined to meet specific regional needs.

A Network of Innovation

Azul’s extensive network of technology partners spans diverse industries, ensuring a constant stream of innovation. This ecosystem includes experienced migration consultants who can assist in implementing the methodology laid out in the guidebook.  

Beyond Solutions – A Commitment to Growth

Azul’s guidebook isn’t a standalone offering. Their internal Java experts can assist with migration, as well as help with performance engineering and the security of your Java applications and infrastructure.  So, when enterprises align with Azul, they are not just  accessing builds and bug fixes, they are also investing in a relationship that is committed to the continual improvement of their Java stack.

Empowering the Java Journey

The digital world is continually evolving, with Java being a significant player. Azul’s focus on Java-centric solutions ensures that its customers and partners are always a step ahead in this journey. With resources like the “OpenJDK Migration for Dummies,” businesses are equipped with tools that are not only relevant but also crafted by experts with deep domain knowledge.

Guiding the Way: Azul’s Commitment in the Java Era

At the end of the day, it’s in times of uncertainty that leaders emerge. Azul’s commitment to the Java community, combined with its unparalleled expertise and forward-thinking approach, cements its position as a beacon for enterprises worldwide. Their new guidebook, “OpenJDK Migration for Dummies,” is not just a tool – it’s a testament to their unwavering dedication to ensuring that Java continues to flourish in the modern cloud enterprise landscape.

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