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Application development: a few useful tips for business

Developing an app is a complex, multi-stage process that should be well-planned to create a final product with as few problems as possible. 

What should you consider when developing a mobile app?

As the number of mobile device users increases, so does the demand for mobile applications. However, there is huge competition in this market. Therefore, in this article, Weelorum, an delivery application development provider, will tell you what to consider when developing a mobile application to make it functional and attractive to users.

Mobile applications have influenced the way we use smartphones and tablets and have significantly expanded the functionality of mobile devices.

Choose any country and analyze. TNS Global’s research shows that 46% of Polish smartphone owners already use apps, with social networks (most often Facebook) and entertainment software dominating the list. How do you think things are doing in your country? New apps appear on the market almost every day. Not all of them are recognized by users. It is worth checking what aspects should be taken into account when developing a successful mobile app.

What is important for an app besides the idea

Of course, the starting point and absolute foundation of creating a new app should undoubtedly be an idea. However, unfortunately, this is not all. It is also extremely important to know

the target group, the people to whom we are directing our product. You need to find out what their preferences and interests are, what software they use, and what websites they visit. With all this data, we need to think about what these users expect from our app. Our design should be adapted to the users, including their gender and age (for example, an app targeted primarily at men, decorated with floral motifs, may be off-putting to users, while a financial app with a teddy bear in the background will be considered frivolous).

How to achieve ease of use 

When developing a new app, you should also pay attention to its intuitiveness. Here you need to be very careful with the introduction of completely new solutions. 

  • Users have their habits and expect to find certain buttons or functions in these places, not in other places. 
  • The best way to test the app’s intuitiveness is to test it on yourself and your friends.
  • Then we will get an answer whether everything is really in its place. 
  • Intuitiveness should go hand in hand with simplicity, and this should be a guiding principle for all mobile app designers.

Nothing annoys users more than an excess of content, a lack of clarity on the screen, a huge number of images or graphics, or intrusive ads.

  • It is hard to expect that a software application with such inconveniences will be appreciated by the audience. 
  • Therefore, it is necessary to make the application as simple as possible and pay attention to details, for example, avoid bright colors that quickly tire the eyes and do not encourage long-term use of the application, use clear, expressive fonts and graphic layouts that are easy to read. 
  • In addition, the information should be presented clearly and synthetically. Similarly, the interface should be as simple as possible.

Think about the prospects of the app 

Finally, two more important aspects are best considered during the mobile app development phase. What should an honest application development provider warn you about?  It is best to assume from the very beginning that our product will grow and that we will want to make it available on multiple platforms. Therefore, when developing an application, it is best to select all its elements in such a way that the software can be easily adapted to Android, iOS, or Windows Phone, as well as to devices with different resolutions.

  1. When developing a mobile application, it is also significant to follow the latest trends and solutions in software development. It is worth remembering that if something was in fashion a few months earlier, it does not mean that it will be fashionable tomorrow. 
  2. Therefore, you should already think about how trends may change in the near future. 
  3. Taking into account these and the previously mentioned aspects, we have a chance that users will like our app. And this is, after all, our goal.

A few years ago, research showed that your customers spend about 43 days on any business app. Imagine how many hours that number has increased now! Of course, you have to follow the trends to lure customers away from your competitors. How do you do that?

The competition that both the application development provider and the client are worried about. But you already know that if you approach the issue wisely, you don’t have to be afraid of competition.

How can you make sure that your app will be created without any problems?

It is advisable to define the path and describe specific steps in the first stage. For this purpose, you can use, among others, Weelorum, which is included in our offer, where you can prepare the scope and plan of activities, appoint appropriate people to perform specific tasks, time of execution, and main and alternative ways to achieve the goal. The next step is writing the program, i.e. programming. To do this, it is advisable to use IDE-type programming tools designed for specific programming languages. After creating the executable code, you can proceed to test the program in terms of efficiency and functionality, and when the tests are completed, you move on to the next step—compiling and creating installation versions.

For each of these stages, we offer leading development solutions.

We offer products for application development in the following areas:

1.Automated testing

Automated testing is a testing process that, as the name implies, has several advantages over manual testing. 


DevOps is an “agile” approach to software development that emphasizes automation, code, and collaboration at all stages of the continuous delivery cycle. This development service is one of the most important for pricing among application development delivery providers. 

Development environment for business 

An IDE is a set of programs needed to create and develop software. These types of software are designed to facilitate the developer’s work by offering easy and quick access to important and frequently used functions and automating frequently performed tasks. 


Creating installation versions is the final stage of the software development process. It includes compiling the entire project and creating an installation file for Windows, an MSIX package, or an installation file for other operating systems.


Kubernetes is an open-source platform for managing, configuring, and automating systems and applications in container clusters.

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