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An Ultimate Guide to Jobvite Integration

Jobvite Integration

In today’s competitive business world, companies need to streamline their hiring processes. This is where Jobvite integration comes in. 

Jobvite is like a GPS for companies navigating the hiring process. Jobvite is a cloud-based applicant tracking system (ATS) that makes it easy for companies to manage the whole hiring process. With Jobvite, companies can track job applicants, use social media to recruit new talent, manage employee referrals, and even use data to improve recruitment efforts. Jobvite makes it easier for companies to find the best candidates and reach their destination quickly and efficiently without getting lost or taking detours.

But what happens once a candidate is hired? What if your team wants to drive to other locations, using other HR systems like a Core HR app to manage employees, a preferred app to handle payroll, or another vehicle for benefits? This is highly likely. According to Josh Bersin, for Human Resource Executive: “On average, large HR departments now have 11 systems of record.”

You have two ways to drive: 

1) You can manually re-enter employee data between HR apps. This takes extra time and is prone to manual double-data entry errors—more like pushing your vehicle than driving. 

2) Or you can add a simple API-to-API data connector that shares data automatically between apps in near-real time. Adding data connectors is like adding premium fuel to a car engine, boosting its performance and efficiency.

Increasingly, HR professionals are turning to data integration. Streamlining workflows with simple automation makes sense. The average HR department saves 15-20 hours a month just by adding one data connector. That’s quite a boost!

The six most popular Jobvite data integrations

According to the HR data integration experts at Flexspring, the six most popular Jobvite data integrations are:

1. New Hires from Jobvite to Payroll App

2. Employee Updates from Core HR to Jobvite

3. Create and Update Users Automatically from Core HR to Jobvite

4. Foundational Data from Core HR system to Jobvite

5. Jobvite with Candidate Assessment Apps

6. Jobvite with Background Checks

How do these integrations work? HR data integration is like a conveyor belt that moves employee data seamlessly from one system to another without interruptions or errors.

With a new hires from Jobvite to payroll integration, as soon as a hiring manager hits the new hire button in Jobvite, new hire data automatically syncs in your payroll app in near real-time with the essential information needed to process payroll. No manual re-entry of employee data is needed.

With a background checks integration, once a candidate advances to a certain point in a company’s hiring process, this integration automatically sends pertinent candidate data into the background check system. Once the background check finishes, the information automatically returns to Jobvite, usually with a URL providing a hyperlink to view the full report. Automation with candidates is an enormous time saver. 

More details about these time-saving Jobvite integration workflows are available at Flexspring

Key Benefits of Jobvite Data Integration

HR data integration has many benefits, including:

1. Time savings: HR data integration automates many HR processes, such as onboarding, offboarding, and employee data management. Avoiding manual double-data entry frees up HR professionals to focus on more strategic initiatives that can grow a company. Saving time is the main reason HR professionals choose data integration. 

2. Improved data accuracy: HR data integration ensures that data is accurate, up-to-date, and consistent across all systems. Data integration eliminates the need for manual data entry, reducing the risk of errors and inaccuracies.

3. Better reporting and analytics: HR data integration enables HR professionals to access and analyze data from multiple systems, providing a more comprehensive view of employee data. Data integration allows them to identify trends, make data-driven decisions, and improve HR processes.

4. Improved compliance: HR data integration ensures that HR data is stored and managed in compliance with relevant laws and regulations, such as GDPR or EEO.

5. Improve employee morale: HR professionals want to focus on strategic things that grow a company rather than manual data entry. Everyone is happy to give up the drudge work. Young workers, in particular, are the quickest to ask, “Can’t the computer do this for us?” With data integration, they’re right.

Overall, Jobvite data integration helps organizations optimize their HR processes, improve decision-making, and enhance the employee experience.


Jobvite integration is essential for companies looking to streamline HR processes and eliminate time-wasting manual double-data entry tasks. Let Jobvite integration automate workflows and data sharing, so you can focus on what matters, growing your business to get to your chosen destinations!


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