Below is our interview with Vladimir Pastouk, DMD, ND, IBDM, Founder of the Cleveland Center for Integrative Dentistry and author of the Glossodontics™ technique.
Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to your dental practice and why you practice Holistic Dental Care?
Holistic Dental Care is a special branch of dentistry. I employ Integrative Biological Dental procedures at the Cleveland Center for Integrative Dentistry in Cleveland, Ohio. That means I care for my patients as a whole person by attending to their dental needs. My practice is based on the fact that oral health is the key to every patient’s overall well-being.
Please tell us about discoveries you’ve made that distinguish your practice from others.
I have personally developed the science and techniques now known as Glossodontics™. Overall well-being can be achieved through anatomically restoring the structure and function of a patient’s tongue and perilingual tissues, oral muscles, jaw mechanics, skull bones, and teeth. The objective is to restore health, return energy, vigor, and a feeling of integrity and fulfillment.
If Glossodontics™ focuses its attention on your patient’s oral complex, how then does it affect their entire body?
Glossodontics™ recognizes that any disturbance in one organ of the body can affect adjacent body systems and more distant ones. For example, a congenital Tongue Tie condition, also called anchor tongue (shortened frenulum connecting the base of the tongue to the floor of the mouth), if not corrected, can kick off a whole chain of malfunctions leading to systematic problems. I do believe that the tongue is the main manager of health. This discovery is a governing principle in holistic dental care and in helping a patient regain and enjoy a higher quality of life.
Can you give our audience a few more specific examples of body functions that will benefit from the practice of Glossodontics™?
Traditional medicine does not usually identify congenital anchor tongue and other dental problems as root causes of a large number of common health issues. Glossodontics™, however, successfully treats at least 20 of those common conditions.
Faulty tongue mechanics, for example, can lead to breathing impairment–while both awake and asleep–such as snoring, morning fatigue, Brain Fog Syndrome, excessive daytime sleepiness, low energy, and frequent headaches.
I also treat cause-and-effect relationships between tooth problems like articulation disorder, periodontitis, an improper bite, and imposed and crooked teeth, with bruxism (teeth grinding) and chronic neck and shoulder pain.
In addition, Glossodontics™ treats other complex relationships between oral dysfunction and conditions like enlarged tonsils and adenoids, frequent ear infections (otitis), urinary incontinence, indigestion, and acid reflux. A condition known as the refusal of breastfeeding in infants and allergic problems also respond to Glossodontics™ techniques.
In the practice of Glossodontics™, I also help restore a more youthful appearance and natural beauty. By treating a patient’s lack of oxygen, poor sleep, and fatigue, I address these contributors to dull skin and rapid aging of cells, the weakening of muscles, and generalized organ deterioration. My mission, in these cases, is to give my patients more oxygen for life.
Does the science and practice of Glossodontics™ in the context of holistic medicine treat more than physical problems?
Glossodontics™ does not only focus on solving physical problems. As a result, I am committed to raising awareness of the holistic health model among my patients and other physicians. This paradigm specifically addresses my patients’ mental and emotional vitality as well as their physical health.
By returning all components of the oral complex–teeth, tongue tie, and the related structures–to a healthy state, I promote positive changes throughout the entire body. This naturally revitalizes my patients’ emotional and mental state, their energy levels, and therefore, their entire life.
Can you give us insights into the philosophy of your practice?
I aim to provide my patients with practical knowledge about how their body works and about the causes of their condition. I teach them self-regulation skills, suggest lifestyle changes, and even in a way, to become their own doctor. I assist my patients in taking ownership over their own well-being.
A person is a whole system, and I believe it is a mistake to understand it only partially. I strive to harmonize the condition of my patients’ whole body, not just certain discrete areas.
Are you actively teaching the principles of Glossodontics™ to other practitioners?
I continue to guide other dentists in the principles of Glossodontics™ and Biological Dentistry as a lecturer in the United States and abroad. I provide international lectures on Holistic Dentistry, Airways Health, Tongue Tie Surgeries, and the direct relationship between dental procedures and overall health. Other subjects include proper airway development and healthy starts for children and adults. I am always open to mentoring new dentists on a consulting basis.
Can you please tell our audience more about your practice, your own education, and your specialized training?
My training began in 1985 at Kiev Medical University School of Dentistry in Ukraine, followed by the Advanced Standing Program at the College of Dentistry at Nova Southeastern University in Florida and in practice at Cleveland Clinic. In addition to my Doctor of Dental Medicine degree, I chose to dedicate my practice to dental implantology, bone grafting, and cosmetics.
I am also a member of the Misch International Implant Institute and several well-recognized dental associations, including the International Association of Mercury Safe Dentists and the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology. In addition, I hold board certifications in Integrative Biological Dental Medicine and as a Naturopathic Physician.
In addition to the other modalities mentioned, I ensure that all of my patients get this holistic dental treatment at affordable prices. My services also include, but are not limited to, gum therapy, assessment of root-canal treated teeth and their recovery, tooth extractions, dental implants, restorations, and dental enhancements.
Overall, I use my training and experience to provide comfortable and compassionate dental care focused on preserving and protecting physical and emotional health and, not least of all, a beautiful smile.